View Full Version : Numb mouth and jaw

20-12-16, 08:45
Feels like if I were drunk or something. Ya know when you get so drunk you can't feel your face anymore? My tongue feels numb and my teeth. My jaw feels really tight ): I'm scared that it could be something serious. I did the mistake of googling it (I know) and I'm more anxious now. Anyone? Thoughts?:weep:

20-12-16, 08:56
Did you read, hear or see anything about illnesses that have those symptoms prior to developing them yourself? I remember doing that and then I started feeling like my lip was numb. It lasted a couple of days but I was able to relate it to something I had read. Once the seed is planted in your mind...

20-12-16, 09:09
No I had it before I read it. Which is why I'm even more anxious now. /: but i actually feel like my tongue is not numb in fact it feels like when you eat a lot of pineapple?... sorry if I don't make sense.

20-12-16, 09:16
I had a numb nose/side of nose near mouth off and on during the past couple of months. Seriously, no idea why it happened. When I stopped obsessing over it and just chocked it up to anxiety, it went away really quickly.

I get mouth/jaw issues due to anxiety all the time. I clench my jaw when I'm anxious so I get weird sensations and pain quite often.

I truly doubt this is anything sinister at all. Our bodies have a lot going on inside of them; strange pains and weird feelings will happen. Are you worried about this being something in particular?

20-12-16, 09:31
Well honestly I don't have anything in particular, but my health has been a lot on my mind lately. I just had a baby 6 weeks ago and I feel anxious about suddenly dying and leaving him behind. I know it may sound absurd.

I have been feeling very detached from reality lately.

When I left the hospital after my labor, I had a fever for two weeks. I would call my doctor and he said to only come in if it got over 102 degrees. It never did. It would always just linger around the 100s. But I felt so horrible everyday. Finally I just decided to go see my doctor and it turned out I had a really bad UTI from the catheter I received at the hospital. So I guess you could say that I am scared the infection is still there or that it spread to my kidneys ): I was only on antibiotics for a week.

Not sure how that could correlate to my mouth numbness tho. Sorry for the ramble. I really appreciate you guys responses.