View Full Version : I'm overly nervous for my physical

20-12-16, 11:55
Well in for the first time ever I have health insurance and scheduled an annual physical and I'm so nervous that my blood test is going to come back weird or that the doctor will find something wrong
I'm mostly scared about an abdominal aneurysm because my stomach beats when I lay down it has done this forever at least ever since I can remember and I'm also very thin. Is this normal? Does anyone else have this ?
I know it's probably nothing since I'm only 21 and not 91 lol even though sometimes I feel it haha
I just don't want to be nervous I don't really know what to even expect :(

20-12-16, 15:07
It's pretty standard stuff. They'll listen to your lungs and heart, poke and prod here and there, look in your eyes and ears etc. I'm 100% confident you'll be totally and completely physically healthy.

Concerning seeing your pulse in your stomach? Totally normal especially in light of your thin build. Think about it, we have blood coursing through our bodies and at any given time you can see or feel a pulse if you look for it.

Positive thoughts

20-12-16, 17:07
I had one last month, after over 5 years of not seeing a doctor. This included an overdue pap smear and a mammogram. I was beyond nervous, because I was sure that there was some sinister illness lurking. Everything ended up okay, though and I felt a lot better after everything was over with and I found out nothing major was wrong with me.

You will feel better as well. I know it's scary, but that's normal to feel that way, especially with HA.

20-12-16, 17:20
I get my annual physical and really dont give it a ton of thought. thats the one thing about my health I think I am the most cool with, perhaps its because I know they basically give you a real quick once over and draw some blood.

No real diagnostics of anything that I stress about.