View Full Version : Just when I thought it was over...

20-12-16, 15:23
Just as the title says, I've gone through some ups and downs over the last couple of months, and my health anxiety has reached an all time high. Then I did everything I could to relax, and my initial concerns did go away.

This time I'm back because of the concern I may have some type of cancer, particularly related to lymph nodes. I have this ongoing pain in my groin, kind of feels like burning, or the type of feeling you get when you have sensitive skin. It is always there, and sometimes the pain radiates to where the femur meets the hip. I read years ago about lymphomas and what not... and after several days of having this pain I googled...and there it was, my biggest fear.

I am tired of visiting my doctor for every little thing that I feel, but every time it feels so real and urgent...I just don't know if this sounds like I should book an appointment asap, or wait it out. Like I said, it's been going on for about 5-6 days now, and just today I decided to post about it, and consider visiting the dr. I am really fed up with the constant worrying that something seriously wrong is going on, and I try my hardest to ignore things when they do happen, but after several days I do get concerned.

Well, thanks for reading again, looking forward to your comments.


20-12-16, 15:28
If you're that concerned, just go to your doctor. We can't tell you if it's sinister or not. I highly doubt it is ;)

Positive thoughts

20-12-16, 15:35
Thanks Fishman, as usual I will end up going to the dr. I feel so stupid posting on this site about all these little things...I wish I did not have to.


20-12-16, 15:43
Thanks Fishman, as usual I will end up going to the dr. I feel so stupid posting on this site about all these little things...I wish I did not have to.


But that's just the nature of HA. If you do go, please speak to them about your anxiety and a referral to therapy and/or meds to help you control the irrational thoughts. You can learn to cope and deal with this and improve your quality of life.

Positive thoughts

20-12-16, 16:00
The biggest thing for me is to know the difference between irrational thoughts and legitimate fears/concerns. You are totally right, psychological help is needed and I will try to find it. It's just not the right time of the year to be feeling like this.

Thanks once again for commenting, I truly appreciate your time


22-12-16, 19:34
So I went to the dr yesterday, he told me it was epidydimitis and prescribed antibiotics. Today at work just out of the blue i took a deep breath and I felt a sharp stabbing pain on the left side of my torso, kind of on the side, towads the back. Now I have a lingering pain on the side where this happened... when is all of this going to end so I can emjoy life again? One minute is one thing, another thing the next...I now think I have an enlarged Spleen and this could be a sign of a cancer....all these irrational thoughts because of an event that took a split second. I can't go to the doctor for every little thing that happens. Does this sounf like something serious? I'm a mess

22-12-16, 20:43
I had a burning sensation in my left groin that lasted about a month drove me insane and I too kept checking for swollen nymph nodes it turned out I had compressed a nerve. Give it time it will pass

22-12-16, 23:09
Yes thank you, thats actually fine, the things that has me worried is the pAin on my left flank, i had a similar pain about 3-4 months ago and thought I was passing kidney stones, had ultrasound which showed nothing, then had An abdominal CT Scan which showed tiny little stones way up in my kidney, no where near passing. The pain persiated but it eventually went away. Today I woke up feeling fine, and then all of the sudden got this sharp flank pain.... it seems go get worse after I eat, and I feel very full. Now I am concerned I may have an enlarged SPLEEN or starting to pass a stone.... I am tired of visiting doctors for numerous things, each time feels so real, and cant help it bur to think this is it, this time is real. Im trully exhauated about worrying every day about something new, I need a break...

23-12-16, 03:34
ive passed kidney stones and I know the pain is unbearable, this time im in a lot of pain, but still bearable without the need of painkillers, but it is probably a 5 or 6 out of 10. Has anybody ever had this happening?

23-12-16, 08:22
It's weird I am having the same sort of pain. It's really tender but it's parallel to my vulva exceptnit is in the fold of the leg. On antibiotics but they are doing nothing so obviously not a cyst as GP suggested. Maybe muscular, I am hoping anyway

24-12-16, 20:29
Question: has anybody ever had kidney stones? Have you ever had pain even when the stones were non obstructive? I had same type of pain back in September, drs did ultrasound, ct scans, xrays and they founf them up in my kidney, not somewhere where they would be obstructing urine flow, but it hurt a lot. Then the pain went away until yesterday, now I have the same kind of flank pain. Does anybody have any ideas about this?