View Full Version : Really sad that I am back again....

10-04-07, 10:41
It's been quite some time since I was last here, my old name was Jem, if anyone remembers.

I have been trying to go back to work for 6-7 years after being at home for such a long time bringing up my children. I was suppose to start yet another job last week and only managed a couple of mornings. They've been really supportive and are trying to get me back in. Nothing seems to help, I've tried every relaxation technique there is and I've taken Kalms until they're coming out of my ears!

I am going to call my doctor this afternoon as I have had enough; over these last few years I have been so low that I wanted to take my own life, if it wasn't for my family, I know that I would have done. The weird thing is I know I am not depressed, I am just so anxious at facing this one thing in my life but it colours everything else. Sorry for the winge and it feels really strange being back here, I was hoping the only time I would come back here to post would be under the Success Stories heading...Ha Ha...:weep:

p.s if anyone has any good advice about medication for anxiety like this (that doesn't make you feel like a zombie, I'd be really interested to hear from you)

Much love,


10-04-07, 11:08
Hi, welcome back!! You'll remember how much support and friendship you get on this site. It was a lifeline when I discovered it in November and I can now see how much I've come on since I joined.

Don't every feeling you're whinging - you're not. Hopefully the doctor will have some suggestions for you on the meds if that's the route you want to take.

10-04-07, 11:23
:hugs: Hiya there 3faces, so sorry to hear things are hard for you at the moment, Jo is right, your not whinging, your just trying to live a normal life, trying to get your life back on track, its so hard isnt it, I remember when I had no choice to leave my job a few years ago, I just felt as if there was nothing left for me to do on the outside world of work that is, but my health did come first and staying at home was the hardest thing I had to do. I hope you feel better, and its ok to come back here because its the right place to get all the support you need!!!!!!! I hope it goes well at the docs later for you. I think that is admirable that your focused on work, its a huge step to take but even though its hard for you, you are trying your best, and that says a lot about you and pushing yourself forward!!! dont give up that inner strength you have, because you have it ok!!!!!!!!! its hard to beat anxiety but it takes time and we all heal in our own time and our own way, you will find your way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! be kind to yourself!!!! Sky:hugs:

10-04-07, 15:03
Hi 3faces

Welcome back even though it is under bad circumstances.

Was your old username just Jem cos I can merge that account with this new one. Let me know.

10-04-07, 15:47
Thanks for the replies.....feels like I'm getting those much needed virtual hugs back:hugs:

Yes, my username was just Jem, I can't remember the last time I came on here I'm afraid. Probably around this time last year?

10-04-07, 16:04
Ok accounts now merged together.

11-04-07, 01:19

A big warm welcome back to you. xx

Pink Princess
11-04-07, 01:30
hey welcome back hope to speak soon xxx take kare xxxxx

11-04-07, 03:05
Hi, welcome back. Zoloft works for me. There could be uncomfortable side effects for the first 3 weeks, but after that its great. The only setback being that every time you up you mg you go through a period of adjustment. Also Klonopin is a great drug that keeps anxiety at bay for up to 12 hours. I use it, and it is great. It is a benzo though, so its not for long term use, but I have used it to keep me from being so anxious until my meds (Zoloft sertraline)) kicks in. Hope this helps. Feel free to PM me anytime

11-04-07, 13:55

Welcome back, hope things improve for you soon:)


11-04-07, 16:52
Hi 3faces :)
Welcome back.

I hope things start to improve for you soon, we are all here to help and support you :)
Take care
Laura xxx