View Full Version : Bruised vein/pain in arm

20-12-16, 16:23
Hi all,

I've just joined the forum after slowly developing Health Anxiety throughout the last year. Today I just felt my arm and saw that my vein looks extra blue and it feels bruised. Of course - silly me had to Google it.

Apparently I am now having deep vein thrombosis according to Dr. Google! Help! I'm currently panicking at work and have already suffered tummy issues due to my sudden on-set of anxiety.

Any tips for coping with these sudden concerns?

Thanks all :)

20-12-16, 18:47
Sometimes I think health anxiety sufferers have a distorted "super power" ... we see/feel things, terrible things, related to our bodies that most people (normal people ha ha!) would not see. I once found a tiny tiny chip in one of my back teeth on the outside of the tooth. Such an awkward spot to even reach let alone find something strange!! My friends and family had the same reaction "only you would find a chip in your tooth in such a weird spot!" they were right. I have no idea how it got there and after being teased about it, my worries went away.

I am sure you are fine! Deep breaths. Go have a coffee break if you can...

Take care