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20-12-16, 19:33
Everytime there's a terrorist attack I feel sick to my stomach. It doesn't help that I'm sat waiting in the airport for my flight home for Christmas and I'm terrified of flying. Both of terrorism at the airport/on the plane, and the safety of flying in general. I live in Paris and adore it, if I moved home and left my job that I love and my friends I'd be gutted but I'm so scared I'm going to be caught in an attack. Being murdered by an evil monster makes me so scared, way more so than an illness or accident taking me. I don't know how to cope with the fear, or whether I should move back to england for my own safety (although I'm from a city so don't know if it would actually be safer)

20-12-16, 20:15
It's because it's an atrocity that it gets space on the TV news. How many flights today have been without incident? As far as we know, up to this moment, they've all been ok, none have been blown out the sky. There's far more people dying everyday from old age, cancer, heart attacks etc., but it's all part of the circle of life.

It's what the terrorists want you to feel - instil fear into your lives and disrupt it.

Ok, I wouldn't like to fly, but not because I fear terrorism, but I'd panic if I was locked in and I absolutely hate heights. Apart from that I'd never get to the damn airport anyway, so you're doing a lot better than I can.

If you heard of a car mounting the pavement and killing someone, would you walk in the road?

Do your part by looking out for strange things, but you can't worry about everything (easier said than done).

Still, do what you feel is best for you.

20-12-16, 20:56
I`m normally pretty good at filtering through all the rubbish that gets thrown at us through the media but lately I know what you mean, every day there`s something else.
All I`d say is as shakey said just try to get on and live your life. planes and airports above most other places will be very very secure now, passport control etc is likely to be tightened up so in a very twisted sort of way these latest acts have possibly made your world safer than it was.

I`m not 100% convinced of the media at all, lately everything seems to be the sledgehammer message that christians are at terrible risk from muslims, we`ve got children in aleppo spending their time tweeting messages to governments to stop bombing them. I don`t know what`s true so I keep an open mind to it all.

I keep my family informed and safe as possible without scaring them, I am alert and try to be vigilant but without spending my days looking out for the bogeyman around every corner.

I hope you settle down a little and come home safely. Grim news is bound to affect us all but try to look for those little chinks of light in it all that say the world is 99% a wonderful place to live

21-12-16, 05:57
How many people are murdered for other reasons than terrorism? I bet you it dwarfs terrorism by along way. So, you could move to a more secure country with a higher murder rate if you don't know the facts & figures.

If you were in a country with frequent terrorism problems, you could understand why someone wants to move but in a country where it is rare, don't let them win.

These events are massive compared to a single murder but if you add them up, one big event pales in comparison to the numbers from singular events, many of them random or a case of the wrong place & time for the victim.

The French need to tighten security to ensure these things stop happening. It's been a problem with the lack of control over migrants who terrorists have been able to use as cover.

05-01-17, 13:27
Just want to say thank you to everyone who replied, it helped a lot. As soon as I stepped off the plane I was in Christmas mode with the family so wasn't online. I'm always super anxious after a terrorist attack and then life goes back to normal, until the next one.