View Full Version : Worried about bowel movements

20-12-16, 22:45
Sorry for tmi in advance but I'm really frustrated and freaking out, I'm 17 and usually I have no problems with bowel movements, I go once a day and I'm in and out the bathroom quickly but since Thursday everything has gone weird. Firstly on Thursday I was freaking out because part of my stool was yellow and looked like there was mucas, I just put this down to stress from college. So Friday I didn't go at all and was quite glad as I was still worried from the previous day. Since Saturday I have gone everyday but I have to really strain when on the toilet which is unusual for me. Just now I felt like I really needed to go but I still had to strain and now I'm getting really scared. The actual stool was quite soft, no yellow though. When I do go I feel like I didn't completely finish. also feel really bloated. I'm fed up that I have to deal with this so close to Christmas, I don't know what to do :/

20-12-16, 22:52

20-12-16, 23:07
"MoM". Milk of Magnesia or any other OTC stool softner. You can also use an old reliable prune juice ;)

Positive thoughts

21-12-16, 00:50
less carbs and less processed food