View Full Version : Another big one, appendicitis scare terrified help asap!

21-12-16, 01:31

It's currently 1:30 am here in the uk i just got up off the sofa got like a pain when i move again just under navel was on the right a bit but it's faded from there. I can feel wind in my bum area and noises in my stomach but it's not coming out I'm terrified :( been to the toilet hasn't shifted it it's not hurting normally but when i pull my leg to my stomach it's hurting a bit and jumping no tenderness or anything like that but god i'm in a huge tizz terrified guys :(

21-12-16, 01:35
Sounds like gas to me

21-12-16, 01:48
Would that hurt when moving your leg up though for example and when you get appendicitis is it tender there even when the pain first starts up ? I'm crying right now I can't keep dealing with this :( cbt doesn't help with these big panic attacks :( I get so depressed because of this.

21-12-16, 12:51
Trapped wind