View Full Version : Bronchitis or pneumonia?

21-12-16, 05:38
Hi all - I am new here from AZ, so I'm just going to jump right in. :) I also hope to help others soon! I've been working hard on my HA, and generally I'm in a good place with it... but my whole family has been so sick lately!

12/14 - I came down with a bad chest and nasal cold with lots of phlegmy coughing.
12/16 - I saw my doctor who said my lungs were clear but she could hear some bronchial crackling and wheezing. She said it's likely viral and to just wait it out and take mucinex, elderberry, honey for the cough, etc.
12/18 - I had a low grade fever (100.3F) that lasted for a day and hasn't returned.
12/19 - My nose started running like a faucet (clear). Still coughing a lot. I called the doctor back who said it's still viral and to just wait it out. The doctor suggested I should go on antibiotics if my fever returns and gets to 101F or if I don't get better within another week.
12/20 - Today - I feel better and like I am on the road to recovery. I still have the cough but not as frequently, and I don't feel as sick anymore and have more energy. My nose is still running (clear).

However... today I developed an occasional rattle in my chest when I take a deep breath in. Like there's gunk in there that I need to cough out. (I've been taking mucinex and coughing stuff up the whole time - just this rattle is new). Throughout the entire duration of this cold including today, anything I cough up is clear to a very light yellow.

This chest rattle/vibration is why I'm writing. Does this rattle mean pneumonia? I have no fever, am feeling much better than I have in recent days.

Thanks for any clarification, and sorry for the long ramble!

21-12-16, 06:59
I'm a nurse and work with patients everyday who have what you're describing as chest rattling but it's not an associated sign of any one illness, just a symptom of what you're experiencing. I've had similar feelings and it sounds like it's kinda just breaking up in your chest and you'll be coughing it out within a couple days, that's good. Usually when i have a upper resp. infection i can't wait to get to the point that you're at because i finally know it's coming to an end. Listen to your doc's advice, he/she knows best. Sounds like things are on the up and up with you. Of course don't hesitate to return to your doctor if your symptoms don't improve but my gut says you're almost there. Good luck.

22-12-16, 05:41
Thank you for your reply! I greatly appreciate it. I think you're right - it all seems to be loosening up a bit in my chest while now re-settling in my nose. :ohmy: At least I am feeling much better. Thanks again!

22-12-16, 06:40
Hi! Okay so I had bronchitis in October and it was miserable. I felt something different the night I got sick and it ended up being viral. I was up coughing for days before I finally woke up one night not able to catch my breath between coughs and my husband took me to the ER.

All this to say, I'm very confident thatbuiu do not have either. The rattle is definitely from the rest of the mucus you have in there breaking up and trying to come out. After I was off the steroids my doc told me to take mucinex for a week twice a day and it helped take that breaking up feeling away.

Just try to relax. You are okay and healing! Something good for mucus is ginger tea. You take hot water, ground or fresh ginger grated, some cinnamon, and honey and mix it together and just drink it down. Sending prayers and positive vibes for an even more speedy recovery!