View Full Version : Tormented to Insanity

10-04-07, 12:57
I have been awake all night and it is now 4:00 am and I will be out pacing the streets all day.

I have to go out right now and it is raiining hard, cold and dark

I am so wired up I am going crazy. Having skin burning/prickling extreme agitation, severe neausea and I cant take drugs.

Ihave tried breathing and affirmations for hours and nothing works

Does anyone else get like this - I feel tormented to insanity


10-04-07, 17:53
Yes I have felt similar before.

Do you have the Samaritans in the US? I called them once and they were fantastic. I found it really helpful speaking to someone and being anonymous, but knowing they cared. I'm probably ignorant, but I don't know what organisations you have. If you do have the Sams, or something similar, I really recommend giving them a call. They are great at calming you down.

I hope you're feeling better now xx

10-04-07, 20:05
We do have the Samaritans in the U.S. Here's the toll free number...
1-877-870-hope (4673)
and their website addy....


10-04-07, 20:20

You need to burn off the adrenalin so exercise may help.

Try running up and down the stairs - works well.

12-04-07, 14:37
HI Rik

Sooo sorry to hear you going thru this! You reminded me of myself. I had to go out in all weathers in the dark latenights/early mornings and try and walk off the SAME symptoms. I was not on meds either as they screwed me up at first.

My 2ps worth: I see you have "tried breathing and affirmations for hours" The technique i use is the similar to Panicaway and Dr Weekes where i actually welcome those symptoms of fear. I accept them and 'float' with them. I actually tell it to do its worst - make my arms burn, my stomoch knot and make my body shake.... Well, The sensations just dissapear. I dont feed the problem with fear.I accept the symptoms. Like others I discovered this by experience before i read about it.

Later i went back on meds but at a lower dose and increased gradually and so far its been 'ok' No more walking the streets.
You may have tried the above and it doesnt work for you so maybe you could try meds again.

I did use B3 (niacin) 20mins before bedtime and that relaxed me. Its known to do that. It's cheap. Even something like Horlicks which has all the Bs before bed was relaxing as I used to roll on the floor with the anxiety

Talking to someone will help.


12-04-07, 16:23
Hi Rik,

You really are having a difficult time aren't you. You are not alone. Only the other night I was pacing up and down the living room whilst talking to myself!
I really think it would be a good idea to try some other meds. I have auto-immune problems and my body won't tolerate most drugs, but even I have been able to find a couple that suit me! I'm sure even just some sleeping tablets or anti sickness tablets would help break this cycle you are in at the moment. Just getting a good nights sleep and eating properly will help a bit. Once the meds break the cycle the anxiety does start to calm down.
Nic is right, excercise does help burn off some of that unwanted adrenaline. Have you tried meditation tapes? You are doing the right thing by doing the breathing exercises. Even if it doesn't feel like it's working I'm sure it will be doing some good.
Do you know what started all this off Rik? Did something trigger the anxiety or did it come on by itself for no reason?

I hope you feel better soon.

Love and hugs, shoegal xxx