View Full Version : Head really hurts

20-10-04, 13:30
Hi all

I'm really suffering at the moment and the logical side of my brain has clearly gone to sleep.

I'm not stressed other than about the way I feel, well not much, yet I'm having lots of the feelings that I had around the beginning of the year.

Since Monday my head has been unbearably painful. It comes on really suddenly and gets so tight over the top and in my forehead. It feels like I have an elephant sitting on there and my scalp feels like it's burning at times. I've also been having shooting burning feelings too.

Yesterday I completely lost it in John Lewis, my stomach was upset, I couldn't see properly, had the head stuff, was hot, you name it really. It lasted for an hour and a quarter at peak intensity and then just left the head pain behind and legs that were so weak they felt like they would collapse. It was a bit like when you've got low blood sugar but lasted even after I'd eaten.Then it came on again as I went to bed.

I guess I want to hear that I'm not the only one who has felt like this and that I'm just being kicked by the anxiety bear again. I wouldn't mind if I got a proper break in between. I hated feeling like i was just going to die there and then again. I never thought I'd be so afraid again and boy did I try and tell myself it was just anixety etc but nothing seemed to help.

I don't want to go back to being too afraid to do anything because I feel so bad. It's not like it comes on in stressful situation, it just comes on and I can't even find any thought triggers.



20-10-04, 13:44
Oh yeah and the flippin constant dizziness and sensation of being on a boat is back.


20-10-04, 15:24
hi there
yes i know what you mean.. i hate the pain and get alot in my head etc... it just seems to happen without warning.
i used to think maybe i was imagining it all until i found this site and i now know that it is for real... i was fed up with always feeling ill as i used to be so healthy..
ive had a good couple of weeks but not felt so good the last 2 days to the extent that i was physically sick last night

im afraid i dont have any real advice just wanted to say that i understand and hang on in there
dont let it put you off going out and doing things

20-10-04, 15:34
Hi Jules

I have had all the head stuff, not nice is it especially the shooting and burning sensation. it doesn't seem to freak me out as much anymore as I have had it so many times. It's good old panic monster attacking again in a different way. mine comes on without any triggers too and the only thing that helps me is listening to a relaxation tape or a lavender bath. Hope this helps to reassure you.

take care

Elaine x

20-10-04, 15:57
Don't know if there is anything in the air, because i have been exactly the same since monday, really intense headaches almost like migraines, i can feel the tension in my neck, and i am trying to relax, nothing is really stressing me much at the moment , other than this blip with the return of feeling anxious and panicky at times... hope you feel better soon, Paul

20-10-04, 18:41
oh gosh, is'nt it awful, the dizziness is unbearable, - i was exactly the same last night at bedtime, for no apparent reason, had 2 hours sleep, felt hot and sick, you name it - perhaps it is in the air, i too, have no sound advice, you are not alone in having these terrible feelings, but we will survive as we always do - good luck

21-10-04, 13:20
thanks all, headstuff is still going on though.

I've felt in a daze all week long. The shooting pains are still around as is the constant headache. Sometimes it lifts slightly for a few hours and then is back again.

On top of all that, my neck is really playing up. I keep getting intense spasms of pain just below the base of my skull. It burns and sometimes goes into my neck and other times down my spine.It's agony. Had it on and off for two and half months now, hoping it would go. It's not everyday just a few times a week though my neck feels generally tight and sore to move all of the time and seems to make my dizziness worse.


21-10-04, 19:51
Hi Jules, all of the symptoms you describe, i too suffer, in fact, i seem to suffer with every symptom going, my main problem is the dizziness and a feeling of swaying and moving, but i have noticed over the last few week if the dizziness gets easier, guess what, i get stomach pains, lower belly, i seem to get rid of one ailment and another appears, i am so aware of all of my body's slightest ache and pain All of my sensible thoughts have gone out of the window lately As i have said before. i have too much time on my hands at present, and spend nearly all day every day worrying about the slightest twinge i go to bed at night wondering how i will feel next day, and on waking, wonder if i feel dizzy or not, what a waste of time

22-10-04, 17:48
Hiya Jules

Sorry to hear you're feeling a bit rough right now - just a suggestion but I wondered if an Indian head massage might help to relieve your symptoms?

Don't think that you're going to end up back at square one, we all have these set-backs from time to time but it will pass.

Sending you lots of healing thoughts.

Best wishes, Jo xx

26-10-04, 15:25
Thanks everyone. Tried head massage before Jo but it didn't help much.

Today head stuff is so bad again and it was at the weekend. It's making me so off balance and it must have been around for at least three and half hours today. It came on quickly and all of my head is burning then it feels like it gets injected with acid every so often. Makes my eye sockets burn too. It's like the tightness is inside rather than in the muscles. I tried looking up my old posts from the beginning of the year when I felt like this or similar and I couldn't access them. Not sure if they are still around.

It doesn't matter how hard I try to relax, nothing seems to ease it. It's hard as we have Dave's son staying with us this week and I hate trying to pretend I'm fine when really I'm not.


26-10-04, 16:19
Hi Jules, I'm sorry things are still tough right now, it will ease eventually, not that helps, i would think having Daves' son staying doesn't help one little bit, as you say, you are having to pretend everything is fine when it isn't - i personally think this makes the situation worse - could you escape for a little (even if it is only to another room) - maybe say you have a bit of a head or something? You mentioned looking back over old posts, over the course of 10 years or so, i have kept a diary of sorts, only about my feelings and what i have achieved each day - and only written roughly, but sometimes, it helps me to look back knowing that on a particular day i felt as awful as today, and that i did survive to tell the tale - mind you Jules, that didn't help me this morning when i couldn't even leave the house keep in touch

26-10-04, 19:56
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote"> I tried looking up my old posts from the beginning of the year when I felt like this or similar and I couldn't access them. Not sure if they are still around.


<div align="right">Originally posted by Jules31 - 26 October 2004 : 15:25:02</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Hi Jules

I haven't removed any posts from the forum so they will still be there.

Click on your name and you will see on the left all the recent posts. Look under the Basics section and you will see "Find all non-archived posts by Jules31". Click on that and you will be able to find it I hope.


27-10-04, 10:22
Thanks Nic will do. Think my pc was just playing up cos it kept kicking me out of the site too.

I did manage to get home and chill abit last night. Jack ran me a bath (and he's only 7. He will make someone a great husband in years to come, lol) and Dave cooked.

Still not feeling great though but plodding on. The day trip to London on friday should be testing
