View Full Version : Starting the journey again

21-12-16, 19:08
Just back from seeing the GP
Starting on a low dose of Sertraline and referred to the MH team for assessment
Gotta start somewhere and today is the first step
Hoping to feel better sooner rather than later though I know from experience it's not going to get better over night
Looking forward to brighter better time and not agonising over what the future may or may not bring

24-12-16, 08:38
Best of luck to you! Zoloft worked great for me. It'll help you as well!

24-12-16, 19:06
Good luck to you and never give up

24-12-16, 19:24
Good luck xx it's so so hard when we become sensitised again and my moto is whatever it takes.

My sensitised state is so bad that I can't see a way out but we are survivors

Good luck
