View Full Version : Citalopram To Pregabalin Diary

21-12-16, 19:19
Hey Ladies and Gents and all fellow anxiety suffers.

I am deciding to keep a diary of my switch over from Cit to Preg because I am feeling like poop and I need something to keep me going. So here is a bit of back ground, ex was a knobbert, cheated on me left me alone with 3 kids then told everyone I was the cheat, I was severely depressed and because of his lies suffered social anxiety as well as PTSD from the trauma of the break up ect. I become agoraphobic and being a single mother of 3 you can imagine thats no bloody good!! Tried to overcome it myself, pushed myself to go out daily, meditation, postits with positive affirmations round my room, yoga, mindfulness, clean eating, the thrive book, eventually I gave in to the meds! Went on Sertraline for a few months, worked really good but I kept slipping backwards and needing to up the dosage, switched to Citalopram, not so good, was more gradual incline with less results. Was on 20mg citalopram tried to wean but come off too quick, got serotonin syndrome, which is no fun at all if you didnt know!! had to go back on citalopram 20mg for a few months, now Im ready to wean off again on the promise of being given pregabalin when Im done weaning. Was offered Venlafaxine but the reviews were not as good as Preg, So now Im on 15mg Cit and its having an effect on my mood, Im feeling lazy and I have little to no appetite. Just waiting for this to settle before I go down to 10mg.

This is where Im up to :D

22-12-16, 17:03
still sticking at 15mg of Cit for now, my stomach issues are still not great and Im having some heightened anxiety and anger, this drug is a bitch to wean off of!!! If you've not tried it yet let me just tell you the withdrawal is not worth it!

23-12-16, 04:13
Hi MindOverMatter29,

Best of luck with the crossover. It's possible to combine pregabalin with an AD, so you don't need to completely withdraw from citalopram before starting pregabalin. You may want to stay on a low dose of cit plus pregabalin. You can discuss this with your doctor.

25-12-16, 16:52
Thank you Hanshan! I will ask my GP about this, Im feeling a bit better today, my stomach is settling im nearing the end of the usual 10 day adjustment period so I will stay here at 15mg for 2 weeks then drop to 10mg. I will call my GP after xmas and ask to start pregabalin perhaps at 10mg citalopram, since withdrawal gives me huge anxiety periods. Last time I come off cit too fast and ended up with serotonin syndrome :( Citalopram is difficult to withdraw from

08-01-17, 22:06
I'm now at 10mg this is day 2 at this new lower dose in so proud of myself for dropping down to 10 :)

14-01-17, 10:02
Hey all, if anyone is actually following this at all...

I am now day 8 on 10mg of citalopram and feeling so good, so much better, I feel like Im coming back to life!

At this point I dont know if I want to try any other meds, I feel like I can do this on my own now and the meds just dont work anyway they just turn me into a zombie and so I think I will do this on my own now!

15-01-17, 12:48
Well done at coming down.

Pregabalin hasn't turned me into a Walking Dead extra it's just made me a calmer person but if you manage without then well done :)