View Full Version : Really scared

21-12-16, 20:26
Please help anyone, I'm really struggling today I have been told I have septic pharyngitis. Iv just started antibiotics. But I'm feeling neausea and lightheaded and cold and shivering. I also have a stiff neck and in so scared I'm developing septic shock or meningitis. My anxiety is just through the roof, I feel so down an keep crying. Every muscle and joint in my body ace and I feel so scared. Please help anyone who can offer advice or explain what septic pharyngitis is, or anyone had it before.

21-12-16, 20:34
Basically a really bad case of strep throat. Miserable for sure but just keep taking your meds, drink plenty of fluids and you'll be fine.

Positive thoughts

21-12-16, 20:42
Thankyou for the reply.