View Full Version : Following My Dream

21-12-16, 21:31
In less than 2 months I have my first ever art exhibition. The gallery near where i grew up liked my artwork so much they've given me half of their gallery to launch a 3 month long solo exhibition of my work.

I'm sure many people here know only too well that a wild imagination can be wonderful when it comes to creativity, whether it's art or music or writing etc. But when it comes to fears and worries our imagination can be our own worst enemey and fan the flames of anxiety.

I feel this is my first step in following my dream of becoming a full time artist. To be able to do what I love each day and make money from sharing my art with the world is what I want to do with my life.

Here's a link to my art page


Next month i'm setting up my own website and sinking a fair bit of money into getting limited edition signed and framed prints of all my work made up.

The plan for the weeks just before my exhibition is to make a flyer and print several thousand copies and drive to nearby villages and towns and spend a few days posting it through people's letterboxes.

Following a dream is a rollercoaster. There's highs and lows and the worst aprehension and hesitation before even undertaking what it is you know deep down you want to do and who you want to be. Those "what if's" that can drive our mind round in vicious circles with anxious thoughts work overtime when it involved taking steps to drastically alter your entire life. But it's worth taking the plunge.


21-12-16, 22:03
Good luck with your dream

21-12-16, 23:17
Those "what if's" that can drive our mind round in vicious circles with anxious thoughts work overtime when it involved taking steps to drastically alter your entire life. But it's worth taking the plunge.


Great work Ed! Really :) Remember, the worst "what ifs" are the chances we didn't take due to the fear of "what if?".

Positive thoughts

22-12-16, 08:56
Ed, thats brilliant
I'm hoping to publish my poetry in the next year

Good luck with the exhibition