View Full Version : Gland Panic

21-12-16, 22:38
I am new to this site but unfortunately not to health anxiety. I have had some issues before but they seem to come and go. I have been great for a while until recently.
I found what I thought to be a swollen gland or cyst on my upper neck. I first went to my dermatologist who thought it wasn't much but said to watch it and if it remained after 3 or 4 weeks we could have a surgeon biopsy it. I also visited my general doctor who couldn't even find it. It seems to come and go for no particular reason at all. I went back to my dermatologist the other day, this was 4 weeks after the initial appointment. He says that it has gotten much smaller and wouldn't do anything about it. He said he could just about guarantee it is nothing. 99% he said. For some reason I am still worrying and I constantly am poking at it. It is very small and like I said it comes and goes. Can anyone offer any advice or suggestions.

21-12-16, 22:46
Hiya mtluho25 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

23-12-16, 11:16
Anybody there? A reply would be nice, please. 😀

28-12-16, 03:25
I am wondering why I have received no replies from my original post? If anyone out there has some positive thoughts on the matter, please reply. I am still worried about it. It has since gotten bigger then smaller again. But is still very much there.

28-12-16, 11:31
Might be better posting in the Health Anxiety section as a lot of people don't come into this bit.

---------- Post added at 11:31 ---------- Previous post was at 11:30 ----------

It shows that there are 24 people viewing this section but 1084 in the HA section.

28-12-16, 12:05
I can move your post for you but please also read some of the other posts as gland worries has been covered a lot.

Basically there is nothing to worry about but don't keep poking and prodding as this will inflame them.

28-12-16, 14:03
ok. Thanks. I think I just moved it over. not sure if I did though. I know there are lots of posts. I have read so many but for some reason still obsessing over this little freaking bump in my neck,. Its still there and I do not think its going anywhere. I am hoping it would help to receive replies and start my own thread. thanks so much!

Gary A
28-12-16, 14:15
ok. Thanks. I think I just moved it over. not sure if I did though. I know there are lots of posts. I have read so many but for some reason still obsessing over this little freaking bump in my neck,. Its still there and I do not think its going anywhere. I am hoping it would help to receive replies and start my own thread. thanks so much!

Cancerous lumps don't come and go. They come, they remain and they grow. They don't shrink or get better on their own.

There is nothing wrong with you.

28-12-16, 20:49
certainly hope you are right. There is something there however. It may seem to get bigger and smaller, but never completely disappears. I wish it would! I have stopped poking it as much but am still pretty obsessed with it.