View Full Version : Worried above my tonsil, please help!

21-12-16, 22:48
Hi guys,

Have had ongoing probers with my tonsils for a period of time now. I suffer from omnipresent post-nasal drip, on the same side as my deviated septum. I understand this could cause a tonsil to swell. My concern comes from my right tonsil, the same side as my post nasal, being much bigger than the left. I'm worried I could either have HPV that has caused cancer or will cause cancer. I'm really worried and starting to lose the plot. I have had two patches on my uvula for at least two years now. Along with all this, I suffer from GERD. Please help guys! I've uploaded some pictures to show you. I appreciate any responses.

21-12-16, 23:02
Most the earth's population has been exposed to or has HPV. For the vast majority it's not an issue. It can be tested for in women but unfortunately not in men. There are many strains of the virus and only a few that have the potential to cause cancer.

I had H&N cancer and it was caused by the HPV virus. That being said, we're asymmetrical and it's not unusual to have one tonsil bigger than the other. In your case, you have a very logical reason for this. So unless you've engaged in a lot of erroneous oral sexual activity, the chances of you having HPV are slim. Even if you were exposed, it takes many, many years for it to possibly develop into something potentially serious.

These are just words and probably won't make an impact but I really wouldn't sweat it.

Positive thoughts

21-12-16, 23:05
Indeed, HPV is a very nasty virus. It more relates to the white patches on my uvula that concern me with regards to HPV. The constant feeling in my throat, lump-like feeling, and how nasty my throat looks. Did you see the photo of my throat?
Thank you kindly for the response FishmanPa.

29-12-16, 02:47
Am still very concerned concerning my throat, I have slight ear pain now too... the lump in my throat has gone (the feeling) but am now concerned that my GERD/Silent Reflux/LPR could have caused a cancer... sometimes I feel like I'm not speaking properly, and can feel food when it goes down, sometimes it's very uncomfortable... could really do with some reassurance :scared15:

29-12-16, 05:26
Are you taking any proton pump inhibitors (omeprazole, pantoprazole) for that GERD? And yes, it does look like your right tonsil is swollen a bit, but more like from a bacterial infection and not cancer. You really can't self-diagnose yourself with cancer BTW. They have to tell you if you got it.

But it looks and sounds like you might have a middle ear infection for the most part. I had the same problem a month ago, right tonsil was swollen with a circular white spot on it. The doctor checked my ears and throat and said I had sinusitis and a ear infection, so he put me on antibiotics and told me to gargle with warm salt water.

My right tonsil is healed up now, but still got the white spot on it, which I beginning to think it's just a frigin' tonsil stone in my case, but usually the white stuff is bacteria\puss that your tonsils push out when they are working to fight off infections. So if I was you, I would just drop by the docs office and have him/her check your ears and throat.

Sam Winter
29-12-16, 07:49
I agree with PanickyGuy I'd get the docs to check your throat and ears as it could be an infection, like Fishman said the chances of you having HPV is very slim, and on the GERD side of things, I quite doubt its anything serious its probably just your GERD causing your throat issues, I always feel my food hours after eating it, I get huge lumps in my throat, this is all GERD related, and feeling like you can't speak properly? that's likely the acid causing havoc on your vocal cords, acid is known strain and corrode them, I'd say you'll be okay and I know it ain't much but that's the best help I can offer x

29-12-16, 21:19
Thanks for the reply gentlemen/ladies, I really appreciate it, struggling at the moment. Doesn't help I have third year exams coming up!
The issue with my ear stems from what I BELIEVE is my deviated septum, completely obstructed on the right side, so ear pressure stems from that. Post-nasal must also come from that side, which DOES correlate with the right tonsil. If it comes down that side, surely it would irritate my throat on the same side.

I have had a swollen throat like this for months/up to a year, and have visited Doctors, but they never give a definitive answer. I've been waiting ca. 2 months for a referral to an ENT for the second time. I just hope it isn't something bad, so I cross my fingers.
Thanks for the support guys, it helps having people to speak to, who understand anxiety.