View Full Version : Scared of Schizophrenia.

22-12-16, 00:41
so its probably been years since ive had this fear but i have a fear of schizophrenia. the fear occasionally goes away and i move onto a new fear for example diabetes but now its back. ive done so much research on the disease with symptoms and listening to stories that its all almost glued into my brain. i have not had a single day in months where i havent thought about schizophrenia.

sometimes i truly begin to believe i have the disease and that gives me a spike of panic. whenever i think of the word, ill think of something a schizophrenic would say or do. ive had a history of anxiety since i was 16. i am 21 now. sometimes i think of the past and almost try and diagnose myself as always having schizophrenia it is very frightening. one of the stories ive read actually is what triggered me into this fear again. whats weird tho is i almost feel fine except for the thoughts im having when i have the thoughts is when i feel a short burst of panic. im a hypochondriac ive thought ive had so many diseases that this fact of being one comforts me but sometimes its not enough and i feel scared.

22-12-16, 03:12
Hello - believe me you do not have schizophrenia. If you did you'd know it by now and everyone around you would too. You do have HA it seems. That's evident by the way you're jumping from one illness to another. But HA can be dealt with. It's a specific form of anxiety. Which is really just fear. That is what you need to work on. As for schizophrenia - I highly doubt you have it.


22-12-16, 05:56
i do appreciate your reply. but i still feel like im on the onset of it. the positives which lead me to believe im fine. i can communicate with people very well, i dont hear things and i dont hallucinate. the only symptom if you would call it that is instrusive thoughts about the symptoms a schizophrenic would have. occasionally i just think of them which leads me to believe theres something wrong with me. i wish i never read any of those stories or symptoms. worst thing i could have done.

28-12-16, 11:51
Hi mate,

I had similar fear for almost 3.5 years and when I ahd panic attack last feb it transfered to fear of heart attack. You are not schiz. 101% and fear of schiz is similar or is a part of health anxiety. Pls check this link https://soundcloud.com/ocd-center-of-los-angeles/not-broken-radio-health-anxiety-hypochondria and you will hear very interesting stuff. If you want to chat pls send me private message. Take care..

29-12-16, 23:48
Hi mate,

I had similar fear for almost 3.5 years and when I ahd panic attack last feb it transfered to fear of heart attack. You are not schiz. 101% and fear of schiz is similar or is a part of health anxiety. Pls check this link and you will hear very interesting stuff. If you want to chat pls send me private message. Take care..[/QUOTE]

I hope not. This started off as an intense fear of schizophrenia, and now its at a belief that I have schizophrenia. I constantly tell my self I have it, there will be moments where I tell myself I don't but then ill go back to the fear of having it again I just feel odd all the time. Ill constantly remember the symptoms of it and almost like constantly monitor myself for all the symptoms or it feels like stuff just reminds me of the symptoms and then I think of the symptoms and then ill freak out. There will be moments where I feel like I'm gonna snap and go crazy and I have these almost daily.

30-12-16, 13:16
Hi mate,

I had similar fear for almost 3.5 years and when I ahd panic attack last feb it transfered to fear of heart attack. You are not schiz. 101% and fear of schiz is similar or is a part of health anxiety. Pls check this link and you will hear very interesting stuff. If you want to chat pls send me private message. Take care..


31-12-16, 17:06
Hi Gerard,

Why is your anxiety nearly always about schizophrenia? Why that particular illness, do you know?

I prefer to worry about fatal illnesses! :)


01-01-17, 18:27
Hi Gerard,

Why is your anxiety nearly always about schizophrenia? Why that particular illness, do you know?

I prefer to worry about fatal illnesses! :)


It wasn't always about it, I suppose just the fear of losing my mind and not being myself anymore and not being in control is what scares me. I use to worry about fatal illnesses as well but now it seems like it shifted. Every time I sat for a long period of time and my leg would feel weird I would think it was a blood clot. There was a moment where I would constantly check my heart rate because I thought my heart rate was too low and that I was gonna pass out or die I even bought a heart rate monitor that I carried around with me to check it to make sure it didn't get too low lol, one time I woke up from sleeping and I thought I was having an aneurysm I ran to my car and drove straight to the ER lol.

01-01-17, 18:46
I always say, if you "think" you're going crazy, you're not. I experienced psychosis during my cancer treatment due to some meds they had me on. I felt normal but my wife and those around me (medical staff) saw something was wrong.

Also, due to my wife's illness, I experienced true psychosis. Visual and auditory hallucinations and a plethora of other psychotic symptoms. She has absolutely no recollection of any of it.

So again, if you're fearing it?.. it's not happening. You wouldn't be aware of it happening as it would feel normal to you and no one else.

Positive thoughts

03-01-17, 00:25
Hi Gerard,

I like coming up with half-baked theories. :) Maybe in your case you went through a change in your life and so the subject of your anxieties shifted as a result of that change.

03-01-17, 05:55
Hi Gerard,

I like coming up with half-baked theories. :) Maybe in your case you went through a change in your life and so the subject of your anxieties shifted as a result of that change.

Well I don't think so lol, this whole fear got triggered by something I read which lead me to do research on it everyday which lead me to stories and symptoms and now it's like the symptoms and stories are glued to my mind.