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22-12-16, 01:05
It happened to me TWICE today! Am I losing my mind?

Today I had a meeting on the 5th floor in my office. I finished the meeting and took the elevator back down to the 1st floor where I work. All the floor plans are the same, and I work by the "zone 5" elevator. So when I stepped off the elevator I suddenly noticed the sign saying zone 5 and thought I was back on the 5th floor. As soon as I looked down the hall I realized I was in fact back on the 1st floor, but seriously? I've been working in this office for months now, I shouldn't be confused!

Then this evening when I walked into my building, I spaced out and kept walking past my floor (2nd) to the 3rd floor. All the floors basically look the same except some of the doors have different doorknobs. I was walking down the hall like "did they replace the doorknobs?" But it didn't sink in until I was in front of the apartment above mine with the key out, wondering why I had a different doorknob. Finally looked at the number and realized I was on the wrong floor.

Jeez...it's exactly like something my grandpa with Alzheimer's would do. Oh, the other day I left a burner on the stove on all night too. I hope it's just holiday stress and tiredness, but I'm worried about being so spacey.

22-12-16, 01:15
OMG! I do absentminded things CONSTANTLY! Mix my kids lunches up, get off at wrong exits, walk into the wrong classroom at school (I'm a teacher), burn food. It all started after my second child was born... I call mine mommy brain :roflmao:

You are fine... just breath and take your time. Be mindful...


22-12-16, 01:35
Sounds to me like you're distracted.

The worst thing that happened to me while distracted, I stopped at a drive through for fast food. Drove right by the window and didn't get my food. I felt like a total a$$ driving back, walking in and saying... uhh I forgot my food in the drivethrough.

22-12-16, 01:52
Distracted sounds about right. Happens to the best of us :)

I was terrified a few months back when I was in a restaurant with my friends and we were getting ready to pay and I didn't have my keys. I couldn't find them anywhere so I ran out and checked my car - sometimes I leave them in there because my car doesn't beep at me anymore when I leave them in the ignition. Not only were they in my car, but I had left my car running! I swear I thought I was going mad, but it was raining pretty hard and I think we just made a mad dash into the restaurant. Even the friends I was with hadn't noticed.

I also had an incident when I was working for my campus mail place a few years ago. I went out with one of my supervisors to deliver packages and he and I both left the car to go to different doors to drop them off. I got done first and went back to sit in the car and wait for him. I was waiting what felt like forever when I heard a tap on the window and my supervisor was right there. Turns out I had gotten back into the wrong car! Same color and totally unlocked but I felt like a moron. He was asking me if I thought it was weird that there wasn't any mail in the car I was in but I swear I didn't even notice!

22-12-16, 20:17
Thank you, all! I guess these stories are pretty funny once you get over the anxiety. Definitely distracted, I need this holiday break! :)

22-12-16, 21:10
Just a word of caution.. being distracted can be dangerous.

Caused me to accidentally drink peroxide.

Also caused me to slip and fall on the ice and break my arm.

We try to be super women, got to slow down a bit and learn to say "no" once in a while.