View Full Version : Getting the Help I Need

22-12-16, 02:10
So after a couple of weeks of panicking about scattered petechiae, an itchy rash, and just feeling generally unwell, I finally buckled down and went to the local free clinic today (I live in the US and don't currently have insurance). I saw a nurse practitioner who looked at my petechiae and deemed it not at all concerning and he didn't even want blood work. He showed me a picture of what concerning petechaie would look like and we had a constructive conversation about health anxiety. Wonderful news!

Of course I was thrilled for a couple of hours, but then, because it's just a high anxiety time and this is what it does to you, I started to wonder if he missed something: perhaps I needed blood work and just didn't get it; he's only a nurse practitioner and not a doctor; I forgot to mention that my chest has been aching and maybe he missed that I actually have breast cancer not luekemia; he didn't even feel my lymph nodes, so how can he be sure?, etc., etc. For the first time I saw this thinking for what it was--terrible, life-ruining anxiety, not reason--and made an appointment at the same clinic to see a therapist starting in January. I'm still anxious, and probably will be for a while, perhaps even the rest of my life, but I feel great knowing that I took the first step to getting better. Here's to a healthier, calmer 2017! :)

22-12-16, 02:48
:yesyes: Good Going! I hope others read this and are inspired to do the same.

Positive thoughts

22-12-16, 02:59
Excellent! Therapy is so great for learning the proper tools you need to overcome your anxiety. I still use these tools daily to put down unwanted or irrational thoughts. It's still an uphill battle but therapy has made that hill a lot less steep. I hope you can find peace over the holidays in the fact that you are doing everything right. You have taken your mental health into your own hands and can start the process of steering it in a healthy way rather than letting it steer you.

Good on ya!! Happy holidays :)