View Full Version : Scared of sonogram results

22-12-16, 04:50
Got my 6 week sono today. It was a student doing it and she seemed to know what she was doing. She did my left ovary and measured my uterus quick but she couldn't seem to find my right ovary. Another tech came in when she was looking for it and took over and finished the sono. The babies heart rate is 122. I asked her if everything looked okay and she said she can't answer that the dr has to look at it. I have that appt tomorrow afternoon. What worries me is when the student was looking for my right ovary there was a roundish dark spot.maybe it was stool? Idk I'm just worried that something was wrong. My appt can't come soon enough tomorrow. I'm just so scared something was wrong and they didn't tell me.

23-12-16, 23:46
I'm currently going to nursing school, and they instruct us to never tell the patient the results of any tests (good or bad results), and leave it for the doctor. Just because she said she can't answer, doesn't mean that anything is wrong. I've had ultrasounds, and I too worried about all the different dark spots I was seeing. All of my ultrasounds have come back normal, except for a few cysts on my ovaries. I wouldn't worry too much!