View Full Version : Scared :'(

22-12-16, 08:53
I have a small ulcer on my tongue I think one of my tastebuds is probably infected? Except when I move it or anywhere around that area.... even swallow...the left side of my head hurts. I am absoloutely out of my mind - If anyone can tell me what this is or that I'm not dying I'll be so grateful. Did the worst thing googled it and I'm definitely dying of cancer or HIV. ��Seriously guys is this normal because I am about to leave work my anxiety is so bad.

Gary A
22-12-16, 09:00
Mouth ulcers are incredibly common, that's why there are many over the counter remedies for it. Why not try one of those first, then if it doesn't help then see your doctor or dentist.

There really is no need to work yourself into a panic over something that pretty much all of us get at some point in our lives.

22-12-16, 09:05
I have had loads of mouth ulcers before, but none that make a section of my head hurt when I move it, is this normal?:(

Gary A
22-12-16, 09:42
I have had loads of mouth ulcers before, but none that make a section of my head hurt when I move it, is this normal?:(

Might just be interfering with a nerve that's referring pain to a part of your head. As I said, try an over the counter remedy and if it doesn't work then see your doctor or dentist.

22-12-16, 20:03
Thank you for the advice. It is probably a trapped nerve, everyone I've told doesn't understand they've never heard of anything like it before!