View Full Version : Poem..Bad Person

10-04-07, 14:22
Your a bad person..
A bad person who cant control anger,
Who messes up everyones lives,
You cry..
You cry in anger,
You cry coz your scared,
But you NEVER cry when that blade slices across your arm..
You dont feel anything,
Nothing..Exept relief,
You want to change,
You want to be better again,
To feel happy,
To do normal stuff,
Stuff that normal teenagers do..
You want to feel alive,
You want to feel safe,
But thats never gonna happen,
Coz you dont deserve it..
Your a bad person,
A bad person who deserves nothing,
Why should you live,
Why should you survive,
Why dont you just die...

10-04-07, 22:48
good poem:yesyes:
*hugs* im here for you kel hunnie pm me any time..I think you have my msn m'dear take care xxx

10-04-07, 22:55
Hi there

Ive read your poem many many times and I have to say I can relate to what you said when I was a teenager and young woman.
It sounds like your going through a terrible time at the moment. no one I guess will help you see different, we can talk to you until the cows come home and you wont beleive us.

I have come along way, im 38yrs od and still struggling but having the very best help and support I can get. The gist of it is you have to want to fee better and want to get the hep you need.
I hope you find it earlier than I did.

Please write to me, perhaps we can talk it through.

Just try and take care of you.
love nessx

Pink Princess
11-04-07, 15:24
hey toots, very well written and you know fine well you aint a bad person an that loads of people adore you dont you ? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

you'll get there sweetheart xxxxx rememebr a-z anytime ok xxxx

love ya lots xxxxx

take kare xxxxx

saffie xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

11-04-07, 15:28
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: Just to say,dont despair hun..you deserve to live and you will beat this hun:flowers: Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx