View Full Version : Constant Adrenaline Surges...

22-12-16, 17:04
Hello everyone!
I just joined this forum because I've been suffering from bad anxiety and adrenaline rushes these past few days.
To give you a general overview about myself, I'm a 19 year-old female, 5'6, 145 lbs. I don't drink, don't smoke, eat a paleo diet, do light exercise, don't consume caffeine.
I've been a sufferer from anxiety before, particularly health anxiety, and it always seemed to appear in times of stress.
The past three months have stressful for me because I had stress from classes in university and some problems with my boyfriend. I'm very sensitive to stressful situations and tend to worry and cry easily.
Anyway, the continuing stress from my personal life resulted in anxiety build-up and lead to strange symptoms. The first symptom that I noticed was a weakness in my legs and arms. Being a health anxiety freak, I ended up Googling too much about my symptoms and freaked myself out about having MS or ALS. I wondered if it was perceived weakness because I still had strength in my limbs, they just felt weak.
Then the dreadful cycle started... My worries about my health from Googling lead me to develop constant adrenaline rushes. They often happen when I stand up from a sitting position and my heart begins beating like crazy. I feel a blood rush to my head and feel dizzy. I also measured my blood pressure during these adrenaline attacks and they cause a steep spike in my BP, but once I calm down my blood pressure goes back down to normal. I started associating these adrenaline rushes with my BP rushes which freaks me out more because I'm scared it might do damage to my body.
The worst attack happened last night, I fell asleep and then woke up 2 hours later with a very fast heartbeat and adrenaline rush. It lasted around 5 minutes and then calmed down. Now I'm scared to sleep :( Today I woke up feeling hungover and with dull ache in my kidneys, I'm assuming from all the adrenaline being released from my adrenal glands.
Also, I had thorough tests done before because of my health anxiety and all my blood, heart, head and neck MRIs, kidney tests came back normal! Doctors just narrowed down my condition to hypochondria and left it at that.
If someone could relate to what I'm experiencing, please let me know this is only stress and anxiety.. I'll stop Googling my symptoms today and see how I feel. Any advice is appreciated, thank you!

22-12-16, 17:12
Hiya abcroissant and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes: