View Full Version : How to enjoy Christmas

22-12-16, 18:53
TI've got an appointment on 3rd of Jan to see my consultant about a lump I've found.

My partner says to stop touching it and to enjoy Christmas. He says it won't change things by feeling it and trying to reassure myself on how it feels if it's bad or not.
I'm finding this so hard, as I'm trying to tell if it's moveable or not etc but it's causing a lot of anxiety.

Any tips or advice on how I can put this to the back of my mind or any positive views.
I've resigned myself that it's bad and I'm going to not survive.

22-12-16, 19:56
I found a lump on my neck, won't be able to see a doc until after christmas.

It's also my birthday on christmas eve :(

I'm just hoping and praying I'm healthy and well for many more christmas' to come.
I've been praying a lot, but you may not believe in God or a higher power so please just fill your mind with as much positivity as you can.

At the end of the day, it's not cancer until the doctor tells you it's cancer and although you may be worried sick (I know I am) it doesn't change the fact that time will always keep moving forward so you should savour every second because who knows how many seconds we all have left? No one knows!

Tell your family you love them, enjoy your christmas, savour the moment and try and find peace and who knows, you might be perfectly fine, I might also be perfectly fine even though I've convinced myself of the total opposite so nothing can convince me that I'm okay.

But honestly I've just realised there is no point in constantly thinking the worst for yourself, because your brain deserves better than that. Take care of yourself and believe me we sadly aren't the only ones with this fear on our minds over christmas.

God bless Xxx I hope things turn out just fine for you.

22-12-16, 20:33
Thank you I will do that.

Wishing us both clear results!

Glad I'm not alone.


Sam Winter
23-12-16, 08:24
I know its hard but try and enjoy Christmas, if the doctors were certain it was caner they'd of gotten it checked out sooner, I agree with your partner being anxious or fixated over it won't change much st the end of the day what happens happens. I have an appointment on the 17th of January for my reflux issues but I'm going to aim for a nice Christmas because there's not much I can do, I'm pretty sure its not the C word but even if it is it will be nice to enjoy a lovely Christmas before you find out x sending you both loads of love, I'm here If you need to message me :hugs:

23-12-16, 16:31
I think it's been beaten into our heads that lumps are BAD news but honestly most lumps are nothing at all.

I have a few lumps I've had for years and years, finally got them checked out and they're fine. They put me through the worry ringer for a good long time but it's so relieving to find out I'm safe!

Every time you feel the urge to mess with it, get up and do something else to keep your hands busy. See if your partner can help distract you - maybe go see a movie or go on a long walk.

Have a Merry Christmas and a happy new year :)

23-12-16, 19:49
Yes been there went to the GP because I was worried about a lump I thought I felt, even though I been told twice these are cysts and had an ultrasound earlier this year which prove there were cysts.

I have another appointment in January which the GP wants to see me every two months to see if my anxiety has going any better, trying to get help still but huge waiting list

24-12-16, 12:52
I am also wondering how to get through Christmas.I had a postmenopausal bleed and had a vaginal scan and told it's a urine infection but because he said gynae might suggest to still have a hystroscopy because I also had a postmenopausal bleed 4 years ago also, so now I am thinking I am not out of the woods yet and what will that test reveal.So with all this going on Christmas is ruined for me I will just be going through the motions for sake of family. I wish when these things happen that you could be tested there and then so as not to prolong the agony of everything was ok.