View Full Version : Crazygirl form anxietyzone

22-12-16, 19:52
omg where did it go?????
well....health anxiety is my issue mostly and I'm having some issues with my period...ladies please-anyone going through perimenopause??? What are your symptoms? What is your period like in this phase? I have painful cramps, heavy bleeding....and because of my health anxiety I am freaking out. I'm keeping track until after the holidays then i
m planning to call my dr.

23-12-16, 02:52
Hi crazygirl.... crazymommy here, I remember you from anxietyzone. So weird that it's all gone, right? This is a nice place, too, though. It's been helpful to me!!
I think I may be in perimenopause. For the last couple of years my periods have been quite heavy with lots of clots, definitely bad cramps...and the cramps were different. Same as the usual on day 1 but a couple days in I would get really severe, sharp cramps for a few hours. Debilitating, actually... my periods also started coming closer together. Then after my last period I kept bleeding off and on for the month and I freaked (there's a post on this a little bit further back actually... my first one on here!). I still don't know the deal but after some tests my doctor feels confident that nothing scary is wrong. I am keeping a "menstrual diary" and going back to see her at the end of January.
I am partly still scared but also annoyed at the unpredicability of this stage!!! Ugh!!!

23-12-16, 03:05
What happened to anxietyzone? I never went there but I saw someone else mention it here.

23-12-16, 13:28
I'm from anxietyzone as well! I think i am going through perimenopause as well. I'm 37. I have terrible periods with heavy periods.I also experience those big blood clots (TMI, sorry).

23-12-16, 15:09
Hi Crazygirl

I believe I'm going through perimenopause, I'm 43 and for the last few years my periods have been short, light, extremely heavy to the point of flooding. Skipping 2-3 months then having them 17 days apart, spotting in between, spotting before and after period. Cramps have also got increasingly bad. During this time I've had four ultrasounds that confirm that there are no fibroids, cysts and the lining of my womb is nice and thin. They've even fitted the mirena coil for 6 months to try and resolve my issues but ended up removing it as I was spotting everyday. So I'd say based on my own experience anything is possible with perimenopause. My mum bled 6 months straight when she was going through it. They are now looking at my thyroid as they think there might be a problem there but other than that they are just blaming my hormones!

To give you an insight my last period I changed all my protection as I was going out and within five minutes of leaving my house, in the car I might add I had to return home because I had flooded everything and sorry if this is too much info but I lost that many clots they actually pushed the tampon out.

The Dr has just prescribed me Tranexamic acid which she said will help with the flooding and the clots and apparently you just take it during your heavy days to slow things down. Maybe you could ask you Dr about it?

So in answer to your question I think heavy, flooding and pain is all part and parcel of the joys of being a woman I'm afraid. Take Care

23-12-16, 15:28
Funny I saw this post. I actually was thinking today if my out of control anxiety could be due to perimenopause.

I am 45, and spend several years trying to get pregnant around age 40. (I have two teens from a previous marriage but have been with my current partner for 6 years and he does not have children and would like to). I did get pregnant at 39 but miscarried. The following year I had a few (I suspect) chemical pregnancies that ended with a late heavy period. Since age 43 I have not gotten pregnant (not unusual at that age I guess, but was actively trying). My periods have been regular, some heavy at times, but my anxiety spiked around age 43 as well. I worry about everything, have had HA scares, it really has been stressful. (I don't think my anxiety was due to trying to get pregnant as both me and my partner's view was "if it happens it happens, if not, no big deal") My primary dr mentioned back then that my health anxiety may be due to hormone fluctuations at my age.

I am currently in the midst of the worst anxiety of my life. I am having an ALS HA scare. It's been bad. My last two months of periods have only lasted one day. So I'm wondering if I am truly perimenopausal. I read that the hormones jump around and don't just steadily decline and that could be the cause of terrible anxiety episodes. Anyone else hear of anxiety being an indicator of perimenopause?

23-12-16, 16:56
I'm from AnxietyZone, too! I'm in shock that it is gone!

I recently turned 40 and my periods are a mess. Heavy then light and shorter then longer. It's maddening. I'm wondering if I'm in perimenopause also.

My biggest issue is that I seem to bleed here and there after sex. I had a normal exam in early along with a pap and ultrasound.

All of this is making me insane and sending my anxiety through the roof!

18-01-17, 16:30
Crazymommy I think I remember you too:) nice to have some familiarity here.

SO I've been keeping a calendar as well with every detail. What tests have you had done? I am wondering what there is and how it goes. Like if I make an appt. to go see my dr. I wonder if there are any tests he can do right then in the office...it scares me.

---------- Post added at 11:24 ---------- Previous post was at 11:21 ----------

I hear ya...it's definitely stressful.

---------- Post added at 11:26 ---------- Previous post was at 11:24 ----------

Yes I did hear that. Blood work can tell if you are definitely in the peri stage-hormone wise.

---------- Post added at 11:30 ---------- Previous post was at 11:26 ----------

thanks for posting, its not TMI-it is relevant LOL and thank you for sharing. I think my issues began a bit after having my daughter. 10 years ago. My periods did not get lighter and shorter and less painful like most ppl I know after having kids. Mine got worse and then around age 38-39 I began to get very angry at stuff ( along with this period nonsense) I had the blood work done & found I was in perimenopause. Here I am at 45 and not much has changed. My periods are still pretty regular but sometimes fluctuate a month or so. Still heavy and hurts. And my HA is worse because of it. -->> where's a sad emoji? still have to find my way around here....

19-01-17, 22:44
Another Anxiety Zone-r, here. Hello, ladies!

19-01-17, 23:46
also a refugee from AZ but I Think youll like it here. its a little different with some of the grammar as there are a lot more folks from across the pond but good solid place.

28-01-17, 08:42
Anxiety Space is were a lot of the old AZ users have landed. Just saying. Those of us who had contact with each other. We couldn't spread the name on AZ before it closed down because the owner had the name banned. Yes. Typical of him. If you are looking for old members of AZ you know were to find us now.

28-01-17, 09:32
Anxiety Space is were a lot of the old AZ users have landed. Just saying.

An awful lot of AZers landed here too Cuch. Just saying. In fact, there's been a rather large influx of new members in general since AZ shut down.

Positive thoughts

28-01-17, 15:49
Yes, and I am sorry AZ shut down but it is nice to have a lot of new members here and perspectives :)

28-01-17, 16:51
I'm 44, and my cycles have gotten much shorter in the last couple of years... it seems I barely get a break from the bleeding anymore, and I'm bankrupting myself buying tampons.
My cycle used to be about 31 days, now it's more like 24 (from the start of the bleeding... and I bleed for about four days. So that means I'm getting less than three weeks off from bleeding per month, which just really sucks. :weep: Looking forward to menopause. I don't plan to have more children).

28-01-17, 19:06
I am finally past perimenopause... holy anxiety! !!

I had no idea I was going to get hit with some of the worst anxiety episodes of My Life. I see so many other women going through the same thing now I feel almost like we could have our own space to talk about female stuff the craziness of perimenopause irregular bleeding and the anxiety that comes along with the change and the hormone fluctuations. What do you guys think?