View Full Version : Photography Project - Young adults to interview that live with anxieties :-)

22-12-16, 19:59

My name is Zoe Jackson

I am wondering if anyone could help me…

I am a 20 year old photography student studying in my third year of university.
I am doing a personal project about people that live with anxieties as I have social anxiety myself.

I want to raise aware of anxieties and mental illnesses by doing this project.

• I looking to interview young adults aged 18-25 in London or kent area.

• The interview will be conducted face-to-face, nothing scary just a friendly chat and some questions that I would like to ask about your anxieties ☺

• I will email the questions to you before the interview so you get a chance to think about the questions.

• The interview will be used at part of my final project for university, which will be exhibited in London and Canterbury in June 2017.

Please get in touch at z.jackson19 @canterbury.ac.uk or text if you prefer on 07545090714 if you will like to be a part of this. ☺

Thanks, looking forward to hearing from you.

Zoe ☺

23-12-16, 01:38
Just popping in to say it sounds like a cool project :) I'm in the US myself but hopefully you can get some good candidates. I love seeing things like this, sort of putting a face and words to something people don't typically talk about.