View Full Version : hi, new member

10-04-07, 14:45
Hi, i have just turned 18 and for the last few years i have been struggling with various anxiety related problems. It all started at the end of 3rd year high school, various things happened and i found going to school harder and harder, i was eventually diagnosed with school phobia. I didnt really go out much for at least a year after that. I had a great school pyschcologist though who arranged for me to be home taught and i got 4 standard grades!!! After that i did two short college courses to try and get me out and about again, was sick every morning but managed to attend most days. After my two courses though i hit a lower patch and didnt go out again for about a year. Then i started volunteering in a charity shop and have been for the last year , i have been on and off actively looking for a job. I again feel i have hit a kind of rut and finding it hard to get out of it, any advice on this would be much appreciated!!?? thanks for reading my story :)
Also does anyone know of any support groups in Scotland???
Your help is greatly appreciated!!!

10-04-07, 15:09
Hi me07 didnt catch your name, i am also a new member here and in Glasgow in scotland.
i am new to this site today and was jsut reading some very interesting stuff,i am 19 and am a sufferer of anxiety attacks which leads to ibs, i have had this for five years now andf like you it all started when i was at school.
i started getting my panic attacks and had the urge to go to the toilet all the time, anytime i stepped in scholl i had to go to the toilet. i was so scared and didnt know what was going on with me.
i am still a sufferer today and im learning to cope but i am still unemployed as i only lasted a few weeks at one job and one day at another.
as i said i have started getting used to it being with me and trying to control it now (no thanks to doctors!!)
i myself trying ending m life when i was 15 because i couldnt see myself getting any better and thought i had no purpose in life so what was the point in me being here.
but now i am trying to help myself lead as normal a life as i can, because thats all i want to be is normal, my anxiety and ibs dont help as i suffer from depression because of it i wonder why me???
i have got so much to live for and so much to give i will fight this and beat it one day (i hope).

thank you for taking time to read this.
Ashley xx

10-04-07, 15:24

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xx

10-04-07, 16:09
its difficult though tac i just wanna be normal, i need a job need to pay my way i hate going for those medicals where they treat u like rubbish

10-04-07, 16:29
hi and a big welcome

love sandy

10-04-07, 16:34

And a BIG warm welcome to NMP:), Lovely to see you here, i hope we can be of some help and support.:)


10-04-07, 18:26

A big warm welcome to you. xx

10-04-07, 18:53

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Pink Princess
11-04-07, 01:28
hey welcome to nmp, hope you settle in and make friends soon. take kare xx

11-04-07, 20:40
Thanks to everyone for their warm welcomes!!! much appreciated! :D

12-04-07, 13:47
A warm welcome to you!!

17-04-07, 14:35
Big welcome to the site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sky