View Full Version : Another night another health issue.

Sam Winter
22-12-16, 22:19
So basically I was taking a dvd out of its cardboard covering for my niece and when I put my thumb in to pull it out the cardboard kinda slammed on my thumb a little causing it hurt, now about 15 minutes later it still hurts and I can't tell if its a little swollen(the middle looks a little swollen compared to the other but that could of always been there or even be my mind) I have no idea what to do, is it safe to leave until tomorrow and see how it is? I read online if you leave a broken or fractured bone untreated it can even lead to death which is my worst nightmare, I don't fancy going to A&E this late for no reason but I'm not sure if its safe to leave either I'm just really panicking(again I know oops) :weep:

Gary A
22-12-16, 22:43
So basically I was taking a dvd out of its cardboard covering for my niece and when I put my thumb in to pull it out the cardboard kinda slammed on my thumb a little causing it hurt, now about 15 minutes later it still hurts and I can't tell if its a little swollen(the middle looks a little swollen compared to the other but that could of always been there or even be my mind) I have no idea what to do, is it safe to leave until tomorrow and see how it is? I read online if you leave a broken or fractured bone untreated it can even lead to death which is my worst nightmare, I don't fancy going to A&E this late for no reason but I'm not sure if its safe to leave either I'm just really panicking(again I know oops) :weep:

If it were broken or fractured, you'd be in a lot of pain and it wouldn't be a "little swollen", it would be standing out like...well, a sore thumb.

Please stop worrying about this type of thing. It's a stretch to even consider this a potential break or fracture, but to then say that it might lead to your death is just ludicrous.

You've got a bit of a sore thumb, that's all.

Sam Winter
22-12-16, 22:47
Thanks for providing the common sense I haven't seemed to of found Gary, I really apologize with these types of things I just unfortunately get worse during the holidays especially seeing as I don't have my counsellors or work to distract me x

Gary A
22-12-16, 22:50
Thanks for providing the common sense I haven't seemed to of found Gary, I really apologize with these types of things I just unfortunately get worse during the holidays especially seeing as I don't have my counsellors or work to distract me x

You've got nothing to be sorry for, just try to stop finding the absolute worst case scenario all the time.

The human body isn't made of glass, millions of years of evolution has turned us into quite sturdy buggers in the grand scheme of things.

22-12-16, 23:24
I do like the part where you say death is your worst nightmare. :D

Sam Winter
24-12-16, 15:26
Haha thanks Servererror, I don't know what's with me and broken bones but every little click and it sets me off, I laid on the floor to get something and the side of my pushed in and made a click which has made it hurt and burn so I instantly assumed I broke it and that's imprinted in my mind, I'm almost certain I'm going to annoy my family on Christmas :roflmao: