View Full Version : Is this a panic attack?

23-12-16, 02:15
How does a panic attack start? This has happened to me a couple of times in the last month. Just sitting there and out of the blue I get a head rush and then think I am going to faint. I don't faint but I feel really strange and then am EXTREMELY nervous. I feel the need to move around but am afraid to because I am afraid I will faint. I shake my leg and tap my foot like crazy until the feeling passes which usually takes about a minute. I feel slightly off the rest of the day. Probably from the rush of adrenaline. The thing is that this happens out of nowhere when I don't seem to be particularly nervous. I get no warning that it is going to happen. It is very scary. Does it sound like a panic attack??

23-12-16, 05:18
Yes this has happened to me on a couple of occasions. I had a terrible problem with anxiety problems around a year ago and this sounds very familiar to me. I would get the same head rush. Then I would get nervous and my throat would feel tight.

25-12-16, 23:17
Yes, if this is what your instincts are telling you. Sounds awfully familiar to my panic attacks. Everyone gets different symptoms with these kinds of things and it's a terrible experience every time

04-01-17, 21:57
I had another one yesterday that scared me so bad. I was driving and had to pull over because I thought I would pass out. It came out of the blue with no warning. I don't what else this could be but a panic attack. I felt a lump in my throat after and was so nervous. I was able to talk myself down while parked in the car and drove home. It lasted a minute or 2. I take Buspar but I don't think it helps much. Going to dr on Monday to see about SSRI. Does anyone know which one is better for panic?

05-01-17, 03:37
You're not alone there. I get the same kind of panic attack. But I started to think they're not full blown attacks, just high anxiety. Because I've had full blown attacks that didn't just stop after that head rush/faint feeling that comes from nowhere, and I know the difference.

I think we tense and breathing a funny way without fully realising it and it gives us that spell. It doesn't go further than the spell because we interrupted it. It's a horrible feeling, if we have the same thing, I sympathise. I get that head feeling and a sense that something terrible us about to happen, tight throat. I know it's anxiety because I don't get them at home, just when I am somewhere in public I can't run away, like sitting down to eat.

The worst part is you never get used to the feeling. I'm not a doctor and i don't want to guess but I've often wondered if it's triggered by tight neck muscles too. But I'm sure it's high anxiety. My anxiety is already high before it hits. If it helps, this started in 2011 and the doctor said panic/anxiety.

06-01-17, 01:14
Yes! Mine have never happened at home either. And they are difficult to describe . But if you know what I mean by head rush I am glad to hear it is high anxiety . I am able to divert it somewhat by moving around or talking through it when I was by myself in the car. You should have heard me , it was almost comical telling my self out loud it was probably a panic attack and it would pass in a few minutes. I talked to myself all the way home. I just never knew they could come on just out of the blue like that when I wasn't feeling especially anxious. I wasn't even thinking about anything stressful when it hit me.

09-01-17, 06:42
Sometimes it just happens out of nowhere.. you've just got to tell yourself that nothing bad will come of it. I once had a really bad panic attack while driving myself to the ER thinking I was going to die (panic attack) and I did everything I could to calm myself down. I think I started singing a song that was on the radio as loud as I could. Pretty scary stuff, but hey, I'm still here! :)

---------- Post added at 01:42 ---------- Previous post was at 01:40 ----------

By the way. Lexapro worked wonders for me, Lexapro paired with Ativan for the real serious panic episodes. Ask your doctor about them both. Good luck tomorrow.

10-01-17, 21:07
Yes! Mine have never happened at home either. And they are difficult to describe . But if you know what I mean by head rush I am glad to hear it is high anxiety . I am able to divert it somewhat by moving around or talking through it when I was by myself in the car. You should have heard me , it was almost comical telling my self out loud it was probably a panic attack and it would pass in a few minutes. I talked to myself all the way home. I just never knew they could come on just out of the blue like that when I wasn't feeling especially anxious. I wasn't even thinking about anything stressful when it hit me.

I think talking to yourself outloud is a great idea! It's wonderful if it worked and you were able to ground yourself.

What did the doctor say today?

I know I personally have low blood pressure and it can make me really dizzy/spacy, which then makes me panic.

One of the awful things about panic is how differently in can manifest in different people. It can often leave you wondering if what you're experiencing IS panic. But if you look at the situation afterwards... what alleviated it, what you were doing before hand... sometimes you can reassure yourself.


11-01-17, 02:47
The doctor suggested CBT which I am going to try. She said it was probably a culmination of a stressful month combined with the fact that I tried going off my Buspar. And tonight I am anxious because I have a dentist appt tomorrow! Man this anxiety is for the birds!