View Full Version : New Guy with new job anxiety

10-04-07, 15:41
Hello People

I just thought I'd introduce myself. Since taking my redundancy I've had some problems with anxiety when starting a new job. After half a dozen failed attempts I eventually went self employed working from home.

Ideally I'd like to get back into work part-time to get out of the house a meet people.

I'm busy reading through the old posts for ideas on the best way to do this. I have the idea that some voluntary work would be good to start with to help break the ice gently and eventually get me back into the work place.

Thanks for listening

10-04-07, 15:56
Hi there!

I've just come back to the forum after about a year but I can totally sympathise with how you feel. I have suffered with anxiety about going back to work for many years after being out of the workplace bringing up a family. It is so hard to feel the confidence you need to put yourself back out there (for everyone to see!) I have done voluntary work in the past and it was really great but only if you are honest about your worries with them from the start. Don't be afraid to tell them about the things that make you anxious so that if it crops up whilst doing voluntary work, you won't be tempted to 'withdraw' and feel you're letting them down.

My advice would be to keep pushing forward and never give up. You are certainly not alone with your anxiety, everyday is a struggle for me and so many others on here.....

Take care of yourself and good luck!

10-04-07, 16:07
Thanks 3faces.

I'm determined to get myself back into regular part-time employment this year, the extra cash would be good but overcoming the anxiety challenge would be an even better reward.

10-04-07, 18:27

A big warm welcome to you. xx

10-04-07, 20:57
Thanks Mandy.

10-04-07, 21:39
Let's face it you can work and get paid and panic or sit at home and not get paid and panic.

Which do you want to choose?

I go to work and when I used to panic I took 10 minutes out to go to the loos to calm down.

You choose what your priorities are - mine were to keep my house and not lose it so I had to work.

I got made redundant back in Jan and only went back to work 2 weeks ago and I hate it but have to do it for my sanity and for the money.

You can overcome this when you really really have to trust me.

Welcome aboard as well!

10-04-07, 21:48
I'm just about managing sitting at home and working, I want to get back into working part-time now because I'll be able to do it at my own pace rather than be forced into it if the home based worked dropped off unexpectedly.

I can handle the odd days in new workplaces but the thought or permanent places starts me off. I'm tempted to contact some work agencies and see if they have some odd days for me.

I want to tackle it now rather than sit at home and stew and perhaps turn it into a bigger problem than it really is.

Does that make sense? lol

10-04-07, 21:49

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xx

10-04-07, 21:52
Have you thought about some help - CBT???

10-04-07, 21:57
I haven't thought about anything yet, i have seen the Dummies Guide to CBT book recommended in the forums, might grab a copy from Amazon.

I'm fairly confident that if i get a few hours work (perhaps voluntary) then I can build up from there.

10-04-07, 22:03
Good luck - hope it helps you.

Pink Princess
11-04-07, 01:33
hey welcome to the site, hope you get the right support ehre, take kare xx

11-04-07, 14:04

Welcome to the forum,

I sympathise with your employment issues, I started a new job last year and used to be so nervous that I was physically ill every morning before I went. It does get better with time tho and it seems like you are motivated to get over this, which is half the battle.

Wishing you every success,


11-04-07, 15:37
Thanks guys, I've been looking at local organisations to contact about volunteer work.

I'm not sure if I suffer from social anxiety for just very bad new job nerves, I can relate to feeling physically ill and an overwhelming desire to go in and walk out of the building half way through the day.

But it's definatley something I want to tackle and get myself some part-time work to subsidise my home working income.


11-04-07, 16:16
Hi Phil

And a BIG warm welcome to you, lovely to see you here.:)

I think its a good idea to try and get some voluntary work also. I didnt work for a couple of years i had to stop work because of Panic. but i must add it didnt do me any favours and gradualy became housebound. I eventually started doing a couple of hours a week at my local Care Home for the elderly, i classsed it as part of my therapy to getting better, eventually i did improve my confidence grew and now i work paid part-time.

Good luck in what ever you choose to do Phil.:)



13-04-07, 10:06
Thanks everyone.

I don't have problems doing everyday activities, eg going shopping, meeting new people, socialising etc.

I just get very bad new job nerves which is a challenge I'd like to tackle so I can get some regular part-time work.

I think it's the feeling of being stuck in a permanent place of work which just sounds daft because I could just leave anytime if I wanted.

Perhaps some odd days agency work would be a good place to start too.


17-04-07, 14:38
Hey phil , welcome to the site!!!! lots of support here!!!! Sky

Wendie j
17-04-07, 15:05
Hi and a big welcome :yesyes:

I can totally relate to what you are saying.I had to leave my job last year because of my panic attacks (was full time) i just wasnt coping.But to be honest not working for al ong time doesnt help as you lose even more confidence.

A good idea is to go on agency because then you have greater flexibility over working hours and if you are having a particular difficult day you dont have to go(also relieves you of having to make that most difficult phonecall to your boss explaining you wont be in!)

Also work near home if you can it solves the added stress of travelling on your day and there are benefits to going part time to begin with.

hope this helps and good luck with the voluntary work its so good to give something back,its something im thinking of myself when i can get courage to! let me know how it goes with it.

Wendie j xx

02-05-17, 18:05
Let's face it you can work and get paid and panic or sit at home and not get paid and panic.

Which do you want to choose?

I go to work and when I used to panic I took 10 minutes out to go to the loos to calm down.

You choose what your priorities are - mine were to keep my house and not lose it so I had to work.

I got made redundant back in Jan and only went back to work 2 weeks ago and I hate it but have to do it for my sanity and for the money.

You can overcome this when you really really have to trust me.

Welcome aboard as well!

Love this matter of fact way of looking at work and anxiety !

Thanks Nicola

10-05-17, 07:50
hello there