View Full Version : Blood Test Results, Liver Damage/Failure Worry

23-12-16, 17:23
Hi, I had blood work done recently because I was worried about liver damage due to the effects of Percocet. The nurse from the gastroenterologist called me and said that my blood work came back fine. The numbers are just now on my patient portal for me to look at and the results came back mostly in range, however my Albumin levels were at 5.0 G/DL (Range is 3.5-4.9 G/DL) and my Bilirubin total was 1.3 (Range is 0.1-1.2)

I know these numbers are "only" a bit, out of range but I'm still very worried. I've had Albumin levels at 5.0 about 2 years ago so I'm not as worried about that, but the Bilirubin number scares me a bit as it's never been that high before.

Some other numbers went up as well, which I'm concerned about as well, but they're all in range.

I've been having I guess "cramps" and abdominal pain in various areas of my abdomen since the night I took about 3 1/2 Percocet over the course of 3-4 hours tops, which I read (bad Dr. Google, I know) are potential signs of liver damage/failure. I've also been having some issues w/ my bowels which I know is unrelated and I'm hoping is all maybe IBS or something, and not anything serious. My questions are, is blood work enough to detect liver damage? Should I go back and ask for a sonogram?

Is abdominal pain/cramping a sign of IBS? If I do have IBS should I try to see my gastroenterologist again or maybe another and have them get a stool sample from me and see if I can be prescribed something for it, or is just managing my anxiety enough?

I don't know if attachments work on here, but I attached an image of my blood test and result history for reference and feedback.

23-12-16, 23:39
What have your doctors said about the results of your blood work?

23-12-16, 23:51
The normal ranges are based on averages. Worry if you want but you're good.

Positive thoughts

24-12-16, 00:56
What have your doctors said about the results of your blood work?

The nurse had called me from my gastroenterologist and said my blood work came back "fine" which I supposed was relayed through the doctor I had begged to order the blood work from in the first place, although I can't be too sure. He did tell me at office, during the visit, that he'd call with the results so I guess he had the nurse call me.

The normal ranges are based on averages. Worry if you want but you're good.

Positive thoughts

I feel like the only reason I'm worried about the numbers are because of the slight abdominal pain and cramps I am experiencing, a lot of what feels like is coming from where my liver is located.

24-12-16, 01:51
Yes, I've also noticed my anxious mind has a way of trying to connect things and make five from two plus two. If it was me I would calm myself by thinking what the word 'fine' means and how to interpret that word.

24-12-16, 02:16
You're really grasping at straws here trying to validate your anxious thoughts. 5+ off the mark? sure. .1? Puleese!

Positive thoughts

24-12-16, 02:57
I find I connect so many different things together and somehow make what seems like sense of it all to myself and the sense I get is normally a horrific conclusion in regards to my health. Usually it involves the symptoms first, then it forms into something a lot more of what seems "solid" to me, or something that makes a lot more sense to me upon googling, and what makes sense to me is usually something serious, deadly, or life-threatening.

What got me worrying about my liver after this incident, was the abdominal and chest pain I was experiencing, along with a change in my stools. My stools were yellow-brown and when I wiped it was mostly yellow and smelled of oil or grease, as well as very mucous-like. I read that a yellow color regarding stool and a foul smell could relate to liver damage or even liver failure.

My stool the past few days has seemed to no longer smell of oil or grease, nor is it as yellow when I wipe, which I suppose may be a good, or at least better, sign.

Currently, I've had a headache for about two days, (I'm worried, but I haven't googled it along with my other symptoms) still experiencing chest and abdominal pain/discomfort, have been very gassy and seem to be having more bowel movements than normal. I'm worried and wondering what it can be, but I don't think my gastroenterologist is too concerned, but I like to play things safe rather than sorry. Could these symptoms really all just be anxiety related? Maybe IBS?

I'm sorry if I keep repeating myself and just rewording my fears and concerns. I feel like I'd feel much better, at least in my mind if I got a sonogram of my liver and a stool sample taken if necessary.

24-12-16, 03:00
I feel like I'd feel much better, at least in my mind if I got a sonogram of my liver and a stool sample taken if necessary.

Then go chase the wind if you must. Let us know about the normal results when you get them :)

Good luck and as always...

Positive thoughts

15-02-17, 14:47
I was at the hospital last week for a pre assessment for a colonoscopy for bowel problems. They told me my blood tests were fine apart from my liver and I would have to ask my GP. My GP said it was slightly raised and mine has always been slightly raised so it is nothing to be concerned about and nothing to do with my stomach and back pains (which is most likely to be ibs). liver results can be raised if you have been taking certain anti depressants or other medications but it doesn't mean it has damaged your liver. My GP isnt worried about mine so I'm not either.

15-02-17, 15:51
My Bilirubin has been slightly elevated too & then normal a few months later......FYI