View Full Version : Is this anxiety or something much worse?

24-12-16, 12:36
For the last 3 days my head has felt very strange very light headed and wavy, especially when I move too fast, or if I lay back. I have a difficult time concentrating, keeping my eyes focussed, and finding it difficult to even write this post because words are slipping my mind.

My hands also feel weird, and I am getting pins and needles in them about 5-10 times a day, and they feel like they are floating and a bit numb and stiff. I will also get aches in them about 5 times a day for no reason. I also feel like I have difficulty holding things, and have difficulty picking things up because they feel so weak.

Another strange symptom I am having is my cheeks and lips also feel numb and stiff, and sometimes very big, even though they there is no swelling in that area.

Yesterday I was sitting down with my legs crossed in a yoga type position, and I could feel the pulsing in my feet. That has never happened before, and it scared me. I am very easily getting pins and needles in my legs too.

This morning was the worst, as soon as I got up, the dizziness was there, the numbness was in my hands, my hands very sweating, and my leg on my left side felt very heavy, that I immediately had to sit down as soon as I got out of bed. That numbness in my leg is gone now, but my legs do feel very heavy when I am walking up the stairs.

Is this my anxiety? Has anyone experienced these symptoms? If so, how do I make it stop?

24-12-16, 19:58
I have many symptoms that describe serious conditions and it's horrible and hard to convince yourself it's anxiety sometimes. Anxiety definitely can cause numb feelings and stiffness aswell as pins and needles and weakness! If you're concerned about it being serious then see your doctor?

24-12-16, 23:41
Oh yes. I had severe dizziness, weakness, giddy eyes, weak limbs.....and still do if anxious. My gp just tested my balance, strength, reflexes, ran some bloods and confirmed all fine. It was anxiety. If unsure see your gp for a once over but to me it sounds very like anxiety.

25-12-16, 00:10
I've been in the midst of a Cat 5 hurricane since the end of August with my wife's illness. While I'm not a sufferer per se' I can tell you from personal experience that stress causes all sorts of physical symptoms. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms)

So yes... I can say with confidence that it's your anxiety based on my personal experience as well as you post history.

Hope you feel better son.

Positive thoughts

26-12-16, 23:53
Yes, for sure these sound like anxiety symptoms. I am suffering from dizziness myself lately and of course it makes me so nervous, even though I know it's my anxiety.

27-12-16, 00:50
Pins and needles are definitely an anxiety symptom and I get them pretty bad when my anxiety plays up. I think you're fine, just a bit anxious. The dizziness is also an anxiety symptom, entirely normal, even the part about having to sit down (I do it all the time as well!)

27-12-16, 01:25
sometimes even if you don`t realise it you might be breathing a bit shallow which can alter the oxygen content in your blood and lead to tingling, pins and needles, fatigue and all the things you describe. and I can say despite sounding logical that it scares the cr*p out of me when it happens

if you can try to breathe slower , settle your shoulders, don`t slouch etc so your posture and general stance is relaxed. it sounds silly maybe but it really helps.

the dizziness can be frightening but once your breathing is nice and steady you`ll find this will also ease up

hope you are feeling better soon