View Full Version : Please please help! Leukaemia

24-12-16, 15:20
So last week I woke up with bruises on my legs about 6 different places but they were more like a brown bruise rather than starting blue/purple. Of course I went into complete panic and googled and leukaemia came up. I seen my gp on Thursday and he wasn't concerned and said it's very common to bruise on the legs and arms and not even realise you've hit that area. He said its more of a concern if you get a bruise then a day or 2 later more come out and so on.

I left feeling better but now I've woke up with another bruise (other ones are gone) but this one is purple/blue and again I've not done anything. I am now back to square one and feel awful I've not been able to function all day. I feel sore and sock but is that anxiety.

I've suffered for the last 7years with this and it's hell. I am in bits over this and I'm sure I have this and will die. I know I could get a simple blood test but my doctor really doesn't think it's necessary

Please please help

24-12-16, 15:51
Unfortunately, we can't order blood work for you. You're choosing to believe Dr. Google over a trained medical professional so unless you can go and pay privately for tests you don't need, I don't know what anyone can do.

Treating your anxiety would be the best advice in this case.

Positive thoughts

24-12-16, 16:04
I'm not choosing to believe google sadly my head just won't let me believe anything else I wish it was easy just to believe what everyone says as I really want to but I have this horrible anxiety it leads me to believe the worst. I was just look for some opinions or if anyone has any experience over this issue.

24-12-16, 16:17
My goodness... do a search and you'll find pages of similar experiences. Look at the very bottom of your thread page and you'll see a half a dozen links to the same subject. You're not alone but ultimately, it comes down to you telling your anxiety to STFU!

You have it within your power despite what your anxiety keeps telling you to suppress the negativity. And again, therapy and/or meds can help teach you methods to cope when these thoughts overtake you. All the reading and suggestions cannot take the place of real life efforts. I've had therapy and have been on meds at various times for my own personal demons and the things I've learned have helped me move past them as well as helped me deal with the hurricane that has been my life since September.

I hope you feel better soon.

Positive thoughts

24-12-16, 16:44
Try to focus on the positives of what your GP told you. I know its hard with health anxiety but they are trained in this we arent.

Can you do some guided meditation for negative thoughts , plenty on the net
and they are really good.

Good look and keep positive x

25-12-16, 20:46
I've been going through this with petechaie. I saw the doctor, and tried to trust him, but know that I won't be able to for long because I have anxiety. So I made an appointment to start seeing a therapist in January. That, more than anything else, is helping because I'm taking responsibility for my mental health and in doing so helping protect my physical health from unnecessary spikes in blood pressure, increased heart rate, weakened immune system, etc. that anxiety can bring. I can't ask my body to fight a war that isn't there; I'll just wear it out trying. I'd suggest making an appointment as soon as you can and start dealing with the anxiety behind all of this.

Good luck! We've all been there, and will be there again.