View Full Version : Introducing myself

24-12-16, 18:54
Hi everyone, my name is Andy from Kent, England. I've suffered anxiety since childhood, I'm 48 now and in recent years social anxiety has been my biggest challenge. Unfortunately in February 2016 my new neighbour turned from an occassional pain the behind to a full on noisy neighbour.

Since then I have had an ongoing problem with noise anxiety at home, an extra burden to shoulder as that was previously the only place I had been able to fully relax. I've been through the council and Environmental Health for support and had an abatement notice issued against the offender but it still continues.

The GP has me on 40mg Fluoxetine a day and sedatives if needed, but right nhow I feel lower than I ever have in my life as the stress is really beginning to pull me apart.

Thank for listening, I hope I can be of as much help to anyone if possible.

24-12-16, 18:59
Hiya andrew68 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

24-12-16, 21:10
Hi Andy and welcome to NMP. Nothing worse than having a noisy neighbour So here a few things to do the abatement notice has been served, what are the council going to do about it? I take it they tested with their db meter did they agree it was excessive? Go back to the council and tell they you suffer from SA and your GP has given you some meds, but the root cause is still there so a get a letter from your dr stating this in no uncertain terms this is affecting your health keep pushing the council with complaints and from other neighbours who may be having issues too! Don't give up :) let us know how you get on Cheers

25-12-16, 05:52
Everyone's dread - a noisy neighbour having a party night after night. We had one once, and contemplated putting up extra isolation toward the wall in question (read: a carpenter fitting extra isolation and a double wall against that wall) but the situation changed so we didn't have to....

25-12-16, 09:35
There would be no way in me spending money to sort the problem towards insulation The Authorities should be doing something about, but guess some countries have different rules and regs!!

25-12-16, 09:53
:welcome: to the forum Andy, sorry you are having to go through the stress of a noisy neighbour, i suffer from noise anxiety myself so can understand how upsetting this must be for you. I hope you manage to find a solution, this forum is a great place for support.

25-12-16, 11:19
...The Authorities should be doing something about, ...
Yup, we don't have "authorities" of that sort.

25-12-16, 11:26
Yup, we don't have "authorities" of that sort. So you have to go it alone then? Even so when there are authorities they don't always deal with it in Andy's case And Bass lines do get on your nerves it's resonates through floors, walls too :)

25-12-16, 12:18
Thanks for your replies. Had a bad day with it yesterday but I refuse to let it spoil my Christmas. Hope you all keep well over the festive period and I'll be reading up articles and post on this site in due course.

Great to kow you are here for people in situations like myself. Best wishes...