View Full Version : Voices in my head a symptom of anxiety?

10-04-07, 18:32
For the last few days my thoughts from time to time have sounded like the person at works voice as the thoughts are passing through my head so I am thinking about something and it sounds like another person saying what i am thinking in my head, does anybody else get this and is it just anxiety?

I worry I am going to be schizophrenic or something...

11-04-07, 09:16
anybody know or am I going mad? :weep:

11-04-07, 09:55
Hi Phil
I don't really get that but our minds are very powerful and It can play all sorts of tricks on us.I do infact have the whole negative talk thing going in my mind.Like I think the worst is always gonna happen.I don't think you will be Schizophrenic or anything like that because you would not be aware of it if it was so

Just keep the faith and I'm sure this is just a phase that will pass

God bless and good health
Hey you can always pm me if ever you want to talk:hugs:

11-04-07, 10:06
Phil, i'm sure it's just anxiety.

I've had some terrifying halucinations, sensations and voices etc. I spoke to my psych in detail about these sort of things as they are very upsetting when they happen.

The important difference between more serious mental illness is that if you were psychotic / schizophrenic, you would not be able to tell that these things were not real, you would just accept them as part of reality.

As Cindy said, anxiety does caues the mind to 'overload' and play so many tricks on us. Definately mention it to your doc / psych, but I'm certain it's nothing to worry about. I'm sure they will reassure you of that too.

I'm on a low dose of antipsychotic medication which does help with these sort of things along with the anxiety, are you getting any treatment / meds etc?
