View Full Version : Little red pinpoint dots on skin

24-12-16, 20:46
They are very tiny. I've found about 6 or 7 of them on my arm. Some seem to pop up over night and disappear within a few days but there are others that I've had for a few months. I also found one on my chest and another on my shoulder. I think it's petechia, but they aren't all clustered together, they are scattered.

Does anyone else get these?

24-12-16, 20:49
Scroll down to the bottom our your post. There are a half a dozen or more related posts. Red dots on the skin is a pretty common thing. Keep in mind, if they come and go, it's a benign issue and most likely just a normal skin reaction.

Positive thoughts

24-12-16, 20:51
Yes, I noticed these about three years ago. Obviously I freaked out totally. I was on holiday at the time and couldn't get to the dr. It's one of the rare time Google has actually helped me as I found that loads of people have these. They are called cherry something or other. My mum has them too. I have them all over my upper arms and quite a few on my chest. They are so tiny that I had simply never noticed them before.

25-12-16, 19:37
I'm in a complete panic about the exact same thing. I've noticed a few of these on my chest and arms (not many, less than 10). I looked online and it bought up all sorts of nasty stuff - a lot of which I've had the symptoms of over the past few days. Obviously I am in a blind panic, my stomach is churning and my legs are shaking.

25-12-16, 21:41
I've had them many years, my doctor said they were harmless, he said 'oh I've got some of those too'. I have a couple on my tummy, they are smooth and round, one about 1mm diam and one 2.5mm. They are an even deep red colour and I can just feel them to the touch as they project slightly.

25-12-16, 22:47
I had a big meltdown over similar recently you can see my past threads about them

Mine actually are petechiae according to the doctors, bot cluster together either, very tiny bright red dots.
Google told me I was on deaths door as usual but after extensive blood work everything is fine. So I guess it's just one of those unexplainable things.. X

25-12-16, 23:50
I'm currently in meltdown about the same thing, can't quite believe I found this thread on the first page.
I've had them for years, some slightly bigger than others but mostly quite small. They seem to be bigger on my tummy. Are these normal? I had full blood works around 2 years ago, would this show if I had a blood disease? Does anyone know what causes them? I've been freaking out thinking it's burst blood vessels due to adrenaline. Help :( I have noticed more lately as I'm particularly focused on them. If I've had them as long as I can remember I'm probably ok.. right? Xx

26-12-16, 00:02
As far as I know they are tiny burst vessels.. but nothing to be alarmed about if you've had bloods done.
I just woke up one morning with about 5 of them on my stomach, then my arm and a few on legs.

Mine are tiny like the head of a pin, red like red ink. Don't itch or hurt, doctor told me they're not likely to ever go.