View Full Version : Why do I do this to myself?

24-12-16, 21:06
I had a scare last week when I found a lump near my breast, got that checked out turns out to be fine. This morning I woke up with my body filled with anxiety. I laid in bed wondering what was causing me to feel anxious...I did a mental body scan and I actually felt fine all over no pains no aches, nothing to be concerned about. Then I used the bathroom and decided to check when I was done ... now I am preoccupied with the light color of my bowel movement!! What the hell? I was just advising somebody yesterday to take a wait-and-see approach, to take deep breath's; shift your thinking… Why am I struggling to do that myself? Today is Christmas Eve! I just want to enjoy my family and the day! I can't get bad thoughts out of my head!

24-12-16, 21:12
I am so sorry you are feeling so anxious. I am having the exact same thing. Instead of soaking up the joy of the holiday, I am freaking out. I'm shaking with anxiety.

Our brains have us convinced,but we have to try and remember this is faulty thinking.

24-12-16, 21:21
Just a suggestion. Maybe log off and find something to distract yourself. While it's helpful in knowing you're not alone, posting and waiting on replies keeps you focused on the negativity of your thoughts.

I hope you can enjoy your Christmas :)

Positive thoughts

29-12-16, 22:04
Christmas was lovely... logging off for a bit was a good idea. Anxiety ramped up today again for no reason really... logged on to answer some unanswered threads and am coming down a little bit.

Positive thinking and my mantra "this too shall pass" will get me through today, but boy is this tough!

Hang in there y'all!


Catherine S
30-12-16, 00:22
Mochi, you're sounding more positive, certainly since you first joined, which wasn't that long ago so you're doing really well, be proud of yourself. You're going to have blip days so be prepared for them, and you'll find the ok days will happen more often, then they'll gradually turn from ok days into good days.

Always remember that you can never eliminate anxious thoughts completely because they are experienced by everyone and a part of life, and it's exhausting trying to fight against the blips, it's how you react to them is what matters. On the bad days be kind to yourself and accept it will pass. Among the many anxiety sufferers here there are also ex-sufferers in recovery, so you will get through it.

Take care

31-12-16, 07:16
Thank you ISB! This place is really helping me as I suffer through this. I really appreciate the kind words! I ha e come a long way since this all began for me, but often when I feel things are better and I am doing well, I fall back into bad patterns. I really need to find a new therapist and come up with a plan!

I hope you are having a nice holiday :)


Catherine S
31-12-16, 12:45
That sounds like a good plan Mochi, change what you can to make your anxiety easier to cope with, that's positive and not negative at all :) and yes thanks, I've had a good week relaxing with my hubby who had the week off, something that doesn't happen very often for him at Christmas. But now I'm looking forward to him going back to work so I can get time to myself back again haha!

A very happy new year to you, I hope 2017 is kind to us all.
Cath x