View Full Version : First post (can't believe I'm still stuck on this)

25-12-16, 02:05
This is my first time posting. I hopped over here from anxiety zone. For the past few years my biggest HA worry has been blood clots. I'm not even at risk. Don't smoke no BC. Just that I'm overweight. I've had my legs checked so many times. Just last Monday I had a Doppler and everything was fine. I was recently diagnosed with degenerated discs in my back and have had nerve pain going into my leg. Even though I know the reason for the pain I can't hop off the blood clot train. I'm recently having pain on the inside of my knee where the leg bends and it's throwing me off so bad. I wish I could get over this fear..

25-12-16, 02:48
I recall you from AZ... you know the deal. Reassurance hasn't helped you in the past nor will it now. Professional intervention and leaning to cope with your irrational thoughts is key to your recovery. I hope you take those steps as you will be told he same thing here as you were at AZ.

Positive thoughts

25-12-16, 02:59
I just started Zoloft last week. So I'm hoping his helps..

25-12-16, 14:33
Well we all have different health anxieties that's for sure but no matter what it is it all seems to lead us here and feeling the same which is shitty because we're anxious which makes everything worse. You don't have any risk factors and as long as you move around and get your blood moving in your legs during the day I.e. Walk, there's no reason for you to randomly develop one. In the hospital we see them mostly in immobile people who either love sedentary lifestyles, have other chronic illnesses that put them at greater risk, or who have just had surgery that's keeping them immobile. I lay around most of the day due to my health anxiety so if anyone should be worried about getting one it's me, especially considering I smoke, but I'm not worried about it because I know even then it's still unlikely and treatment for them anyway is very straightforward. I've taken care of people who get blood clots in their legs and sometimes arms but those people are also very ill to begin with but I've never once had one of those people have the clot move from their arms or legs to their heart or lungs and the only way it could cause a stroke is if you had a hole in your heart which you don't because you'd have it from birth. If you have a blood clot it won't be much of a question your leg will be huge, red, and hot to the touch. So if your leg looks normal your fine.



25-12-16, 15:23
Thank you so much for taking the time to write that. It has helped me so much. I hope you have a wonderful and blessed Christmas!

25-12-16, 23:01
Hi Gabby,
I'm so sorry you're struggling with the worry of blood clots. They actually run in my family.....my mom, my aunt, and my grandmother have all had them, some multiple times. I will say that every time, you and everyone else know when you have one. Your leg will swell, feel hot, and have pain that's definitely unique. I'll also tell you that everyone in my family has been just fine. They've gotten treatment and are back to everyday activities. Hope your Zoloft helps and in the meantime, don't worry (easier said than done, I know!).

26-12-16, 01:29
Hey Brooke,
Thank you so much for your reply. It definitely helps to hear what others experiences are. I feel like my anxious self and regular self aren't even the same people sometimes. I hope 2017 is a much better year and I can finally get this fear off my back for good.