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25-12-16, 11:33
Im going to make my way down to ER today, now besides the flank pain ive discovered I have low body temperature. I thought I had fever but its the opposite, 35.7 C is the lowest reading ai got. Would anybody know the possible cause for this? I think there might be spmething seriously wrong with me. Any thoughts? I know you are not doctors, but im becoming exponentially anxious about this. Merry Christmas to all of you!

25-12-16, 12:15
A&E is for serious life threatening issues not re-assurance.

Your temperature can vary due to a number of reasons including where you took it from.

The best thing you can do is find something to distract yourself and get on with your day

25-12-16, 12:26
Thanks for replying!.Im stuck at work feeling terribly ill, but after my shift I think I will go there because I feel like my health is quickly deteriorating. Ive read online what im feeling could be due to renal failure... plus the flank pain and low body temp... I think its not reasurance im looking for at ER

25-12-16, 18:00
My son has low body temperature and always has. Is it possible that's your normal temp?

25-12-16, 18:18
Hi Lam123, it is possible, im just concerned because all the other symptoms. Better safe than sorry, I guess only doctors will be able to determine what I have, and how to treat it

25-12-16, 18:22
A&E is for serious life threatening issues not re-assurance.

Your temperature can vary due to a number of reasons including where you took it from.

The best thing you can do is find something to distract yourself and get on with your day

Exactly! Sorry to be blunt but to go to the ER over this and take their time away from someone who actually needs help is not only careless but selfish.

Rey... you have health anxiety, not some serious illness.

Positive thoughts

25-12-16, 18:53
I have a history of Kidney Stones, in fact, last CT Scan showed a bunch way up in my kidneys. I know i've posted before about other concerns, however when it comes to flank pain I take it very seriously. I don't think I am being selfish or careless for wanting to seek medical help due to potential Kidney stones..or something along those lines. Believme, there is a billion things I'd much rather do on christmas day than to wait 3 hours in ER. ThAnk you for taking the time to comment Fishman! Merry christmas for you and your loved ones!

25-12-16, 19:41
I've had kidney stones a couple of times in my life. I don't know about you but the pain was excruciating and both times left me curled up in a ball for hours. And when the stone finally passed? I think they heard me screaming the next county over! Your body temp is within normal ranges.

I'm basing my comments on what you've posted previously, from ASL to oral cancer to hand pain to lymph node concerns all within the last month or so. I think what gets me the most is that you're asking advice and being told don't go to the ER and you argue back why you should go.

If you're that concerned then do what you have to do. I think I would be doing of few of those billion things you could be doing on Christmas and let it ride a couple of days. If it's still bothering you then, see a doctor, not visit the ER.

Hopefully you'll enjoy your holiday.

Positive thoughts

25-12-16, 20:00
So true Fishman, the very first time it happened (2012) I had the worse pain of my life, woke up vomiting, and I just couldn't tolerate the pain. I ended passing the stones at the time. Then, last September something similar happened, but less intense, ended up going to ER, they did blood work, Xrays. CT Scans, and found the stones. However at that time the dr. said the stones were in a place within the kidney that shouldn't be causing pain. Now, 3 months later, the pain has returned, similar as the last time, but no where near how it was in 2012. Thats why im wondering if this is all related to Kidney stones. Thing is, I know renal issues are quite serious, but I know with my history of health anxiety people look at my posts and say: pff here we go again, :weep:

old fred
25-12-16, 21:19
Only you know how you are feeling and only you can decide what advice to take.My own experience is that I have had kidney stones twice and both times ended going to hostpital in an ambulence due to pain.If it was kidney stones you would not be able to sit at computer and post on forum.

25-12-16, 23:29
Thank you Old Fred. I appreciate your input

27-12-16, 21:14
So my drs appointment is tomorrow, but I'm feeling horrible. Pain on left flank is still there, it is a burning sensation. I have no idea what could be causing this much discomfort, and my HA is sky rocketing. 4-5 days now of complete agony. I don't think its kidney stone related, since its not a sharp pain, more like a burning constant sensation at the fron and back left side of my abdomen, around lower left rib cage. I am breaking down, I can't believe this is all happening to me. Not knowing what it is that I have is what is slowly killing me. Rant over.

29-12-16, 13:30
So I ended up going to ER, they were of no help. Blood work and urine test were ok, so it is most likely something other than urinary tract related. I'm thinking it could be my Spleen? I mean the pain is in that general area...Has anybody ever had an enlarged Spleen? what are the general signs/symptoms if this were the case? the pain IS real, it is debilitating, and nobody seems to be taking me seriously..I guess this is one thing that comes with having HA. I'll try my GP again, although I know what his answer is going to be already...one thing is for sure, can't go on like this

29-12-16, 14:19
Im going to make my way down to ER today, now besides the flank pain ive discovered I have low body temperature. I thought I had fever but its the opposite, 35.7 C is the lowest reading ai got. Would anybody know the possible cause for this? I think there might be spmething seriously wrong with me. Any thoughts? I know you are not doctors, but im becoming exponentially anxious about this. Merry Christmas to all of you!

When I was at the height of my HA I had extreme flank pain and low body temp.


29-12-16, 14:36
Thank you for your comment Noivous. I stopped taking the antibiotics today, and I am feeling a bit better. I don't want to jinx it, but I hope it continues this way.
