View Full Version : Stomach bug?

25-12-16, 18:25
Hi all!

I'm looking for a bit of reasssurance.
On Friday night my husband came home from work and began throwing up, initially he thought it was due to a bit too much drink at the pub, but his stomach started cramping and he said if felt more like something he'd eaten or a bug. Yesterday morning I woke up with the same and I still have it now, as does my husband. The thing is it's making me very anxious as a lot of my panic symptoms are stomach related and when I've been highly anxious in the past I've lost my appetite.
I'm trying to be logical and tell myself that I'm just ill and my husband has it too but all these symptoms like, vomiting, loose bowels, tiredness and lack of appetite are making me think it's my anxiety getting worse!

25-12-16, 18:41
Stomach bug for sure.

This might actually be my first HA as I remember worrying about catching it from as far back as I can remember.

Feel better soon

25-12-16, 19:13

I just struggle with the symptoms as when I had severe anxiety after my son was born I had no appetite and I would have lose bowels so it makes me worry that I'm getting worse!
I need to be logical and realise that my husband has it too and he is the least anxious person I know! Lol x

26-12-16, 02:33
Hope you are feeling better, most likely a day of sleep for you both.

Slow going on the food, toast, crackers, clear soda... it may take a week or more for your appetite to get back to normal, don't push it.


26-12-16, 10:27
Thanks :)

Still feeling unwell today unfortunately so we're planning on having a day to rest and recover!

Thanks for your advice x

26-12-16, 10:37
hope you`re on the mend marie, there are so many bugs about loads of people were off work before christmas and kids sent home from our school either sickness, the runs or feeling like they`d faint.
the school nurse said lots of fluids and rest so I`d take that as meaning stay on the sofa today. when ours were bad a while back we kept food very basic literally try a couple of plain biscuits or crackers and see how you go.

26-12-16, 13:33
Hope you feel better soon. It's the season for stomach bugs. I came down with the Norovirus last night and my hubby has got it this morning. We've been vomiting, had watery stools, painful stomach cramps, been shivering, muscle aches and headache and now a low grade fever. Plenty fluids, rest and wash hands thoroughly with soap and water. Eat bland foods like toast. Stay home for 48 hours after your symptoms have dissapeared as it's highly contagious. It can take a few days to feel better

26-12-16, 14:38
Thanks guys!

I've accepted that this is a bug and not my anxiety getting worse so I feel a lot better in that respect today. Just hoping to feel better physically tomorrow, today will definately be a rest day :)

29-12-16, 09:26
Hello I hope your feeling better today? I think I've come down with a stomach bug started about 2am with really bad stomach ache then a dodgy tummy and feeling cold and now feeling very sick. Anxiety is horrible I'll admit at 2am when it all started I was really worried what may be wrong I hope a day on the sofa will help today

29-12-16, 22:28
Sounds like exactly what I had xmas night. Thankfully it passed in 24 hours. Hope you feel better soon. I was worried too but 4 family members also came down with it