View Full Version : Worried about ovarian cancer

26-12-16, 02:16
My latest worry is my ovaries. I have been having trouble emptying my bladder in the morning for over a year now and should probably have got it checked out earlier. Unfortunately I can't have any scans etc at the moment as in 21 weeks prg. I became panicky at a routine scan last week when the dr said my bladder was really full for having just emptied it. I'm worried I have ovarian cancer which is the source of my fluid retention and I can't use pregnancy as my reason as it had been happening way before then. Not sure what to do as I'll have to wait 5 months for any scans ... anyone had bladder problems and had it not been ovarian cancer?... I'm 28 so thought I'd be a bit young to have bladder issues this early :(

26-12-16, 03:19
I'm so sorry you're worried. I have had the same ovarian cancer fear. Pregnancy really shifts things out of place and your bladder is one of them. All of the current issues could be from the pregnancy. The prior issues may have just been your anxiety making you think you had that going on.

I would mention this to your doctor so they can try and help alleviate your fears.

Enjoy your pregnancy. Take it a second at a time and try and relish these moments.

26-12-16, 11:51
If you're pregnant and having scans they will be able to see your ovaries anyway so I'm sure it will show up if anything is amiss. Try to enjoy your pregnancy although I know how hard it is with anxiety.

26-12-16, 22:04
Thankyou for the replies. I will try not to let h.a ruin my pregnancy

27-12-16, 01:37
It's not easy. I understand that, and yes, a routine scan will show your ovaries. Hang in there! We are here for you!