View Full Version : ovarian cancer

10-04-07, 21:22

i just wanted to ask you gys if you can help !

i have had pain low down in my tummy for a few weeks now and my periods are all over the place have been for years i have spotting at the min and feel like i am going ot get my monthly but it goses agane .
i got my smear done 2 weeks ago and i had spotting on that but they sead it was ok i havent got resuults yet .
what i am trying to say is after looking online i am soooo sure i have ovarian cancer and that i have had for some time i am very scared and carnt think right my legs feel wobbly and very panicy i am sooo scared.
anyone felt liek this befor like i have talked myself into having ovarian cancer:weep: jodie xx

10-04-07, 21:27
Hi Jodie

You have had a smear lately, when do you get your results?

I think all of us women worry at some point it doesn't mean anything bad, I have to book my smear soon....hate it! I just know that if I go I am doing everything I can to help myself which you have obviously done too so please until you know the results try not to worry....hard I know:weep: Our bodies do weird things sometimes its part of being us try and stay positive.

You take care:)

10-04-07, 21:31

You won't have ovarian cancer atall.

They are loads of other reasons for these aches and pains that are not cancer.

The smear results will prove this to you.

10-04-07, 21:31
hi normalwisdom

i have jst had a bad day and low tmmy pain i had a bad smear last year but all has been ok in the last few tests so i am not to scared about that but i am now sure have ovarian cancer i have like all the symptoms of it my monthlys arent reglar i have spotting (may be period starting )i dont know
i have a 5 year old and i keep thinking what will i do if i have got it omg then i go into fll painc
thanks for your reply it dose help

jo x

10-04-07, 21:37

will the smear tell me my ovaries are ok

thanks jo xx

10-04-07, 21:45
It will detect pre-cancerous cells yes.

If you can't convince yourself then go and see doc for reassurance but all will be fine I am sure.

10-04-07, 22:01
well nic
i didnt know that i thought it was just for cells on the cervix thanks that has made me feel better
just not sure why my periods are like all over the place and the spotting !

jo xx

10-04-07, 22:09

I was the opposite to you - didn't have a period for over 4 months and was worried sick.

Went to docs and he said some get them all the time and some just stop for months on end and it can be a mixture of things going on in the body and in your life.

I have months without a period then heavy ones then ones that are one day on 2 off and one on again.

Us poor women eh?

10-04-07, 22:17
I stand corrected over the smear test - sorry.

10-04-07, 23:40
its ok nic

thank you all for your replys it helps so much to know that i can come on nmp and i just seem to feel better to know you are all there .
i gess i am just getting over stressed
ii will let you all know what the doc says i am going to go see her as soon as i can
thanks agane
jodie x