View Full Version : Exhausted

26-12-16, 16:38
I'm feeling pretty pants today we had such a busy day yesterday and the few days leading up to Christmas. I had a wonderful time with my family but the constant worry of everything has really caught up with me. My anxiety level feels quite high today I have to keep reminding myself I have an ear infection and nothing more serious but the little doubts keep creeping in. I'm back to work tomorrow so hope that will help with calming me down a bit.

Anyone else feel like Christmas has left them feeling exhausted?

26-12-16, 18:27
*raises hand* I do! Overall, I'd say Christmas wasn't so bad. I coped fine with the family lunch (though the anxiety was high in the morning, and I was quite cranky all throughout the day), but today is just a nightmare! I woke up in panic, I've had anxiety as well as panic attacks all day. :( I feel exhausted, too. It's just too much, Christmas is, for a lot of people, never mind anxiety sufferers, and so it's no wonder we're struggling to cope. You're most definitely not alone in this. :)

26-12-16, 19:12
Oh yes. Totally drained with nothing more to give.

Just so hard and desperate to feel the normal tiredness only and not anxiety as well

It alone


26-12-16, 22:03
I wish for the same thing, Jackie. I long for the tiredness from a long day's work instead of a long day's panicking! :lac:

27-12-16, 11:03
I hope your both doing ok today? I'm back at work but can't wait to get home and try and relax.

27-12-16, 16:41
I am doing much better today, thank you. I think the holidays just create such an unbalance in our minds as they disrupt the routine which is something people with anxiety crave, or so I believe. I hope being at work helps make you feel calmer, as odd as that sounds!

28-12-16, 17:03
It was great to get home yesterday had a lovely family evening with a take away and watched Mary poppins. Today has been a bit of a struggle I've convinced myself that when I go and get my eyes tested at the weekend they are going to find something wrong and I'm in a bit of a panic about it. How are you getting on today?

28-12-16, 21:45
I'm pleased to hear you had a nice day yesterday. :) Sorry that today has been bad, though. My day has been a struggle, too, I'm sad to report. I've had anxiety since the moment I woke up, but I'm doing better now, resting in bed before going to sleep. My anxiety levels have been so high recently, and it's really REALLY annoying me! :mad:
Why do you think they'll find something wrong with your eyes? I find doctor's visits terrifyingly scary.

29-12-16, 06:00
I'm sorry you've had an anxious day I hope today is better for you. I've never had an eye test before so I'm a bit nervous plus I went to the dr last week because I was a bit dizzy and had blurred vision. She thinks I have an inner ear infection or a little bit of vertigo but suggested an eye test because of the blurred vision. Someone I work with worked at the opticians before he started where I work and when I was talking to him yesterday he made a harmless comment of "you need to get that checked out" when I mentioned my symptoms and now of course I'm in a huge downward spiral, wondering what they may find and weather it could be some kind of tumor etc.
I've been awake since 2am today with a really dodgy stomach and feeling really panicky so I've called in sick today (first time in a year) so now I feel like a fraud and a failure leaving my colleagues to struggle

29-12-16, 08:47
I'm sorry to hear about all this. :weep: I, too, am afraid of going to the doctor's, and medical check-ups (which we are required to take once a year where I work) are an absolute nightmare as I always think they are going to discover something awful.
It might as well be that you've got an inner ear infection, or that you're dizzy because of your neck/spine. Also, maybe you simply need glasses. Try and consider these 'harmless' options whenever your mind goes to that 'it's a tumour' place.
Please forgive yourself for taking a day off work. It's done now, and I'm sure your colleagues can manage without you for one day. :)

29-12-16, 09:18
Thank you for your reply. It was this time last year that my anxiety really hit me and I think I'm so worried about it happening again that im not helping myself. I'm thinking of taking sertraline again to see if it helps. I hope you have a good day today

29-12-16, 15:34
I'm having an okay day today. Went on a brief walk in the morning. I've never been on Sertaline, but have tried Zoloft (never worked for me) and Escitalopram (kind of works)...

30-12-16, 18:05
I'm having a bit better day today. Work have told me to stay away until Monday as they don't want my germs! (They are a careing lot really!) so I've de Christmased my house and it's much more back to normal. How was your day?

30-12-16, 21:51
Haha 'they don't want your germs'. You've got to appreciate the honesty there. :yesyes: I can't wait to de-Christmas everything because I'm fed up with the holidays. I'm actually looking forward to being back at work! I've had a day full of depersonalisation sensations and it's driven me mad, I think. I'm really hoping I feel ok tomorrow as I dread New Year's so much! How do you feel about New Year's?

31-12-16, 12:21
How are you getting on today? I hope your feeling better. New year is just another day to me we won't be doing anything special. I've had my eye test today and everything's ok he did notice some blocked tear ducts so thinks that could be why my eyes feel so dry and a stigmatisim so I'm getting glasses next week hopefully they will help

31-12-16, 13:26
I'm not having such a bad day, thank you. I woke up feeling anxious, was having depersonalisation. My body was shaking and my heart racing as I was getting up and ready to go out. I saw a friend this morning, and although I had a panic attack in the car on my way there, I was fine overall. Just this stupid day to get through and then I reckon I'll feel a lot better. We've got family round. I want them to leave before midnight lol.
I'm pleased to hear everything is ok with your eyes. I've got astigmatism too, and it's no big deal. Glasses fix that. :)

31-12-16, 13:52
I'm sorry your feeling like this I really hope things improve for you soon. It's hard when you have family over its not like you can have an early night. I'd rather go out then at least you can leave when you want to. I'm quite relieved with the outcome from the eye test at least everything looks good though I was silly an googled blocked tear ducts and read that it could be caused because of a tumor near your sinuses so that's sent me into a bit of a tizz as that's where Im getting pain as well as my ear, I'm gonna give it a few more weeks and see how things go

31-12-16, 20:48
Oooh Dr Google! That's a doctor one should never consult. Whatever symptom you look up and read about, you'll discover that you're dying from some terrible illness. Could you simply be having a sinus/eye infection? If it doesn't go away, the pain, you can always consult the doctor again, perhaps see your GP.
The family have left, and I'm definitely not staying up till midnight. I just want this stupid day to be over. I hope you're having a good evening, and I wish you a happy New Year! :)

01-01-17, 09:17
Happy new year to you too I hope your evening went well. We had a nice quiet evening watching a film that went on much later than I realised so it was almost midnight when I went to bed then I had a huge panic attack and didn't get to sleep until nearly 1am I hope this isn't how 2017 is gonna be already feeling like I can't cope. Do you have any plans for New Year's Day?

01-01-17, 15:28
Oh no,why do you think you were so anxious last night? Is it the fear of the unfamiliar, i.e. a new year starting? I've got no plans for today, which is bad because my mind is running wild. I need to force myself out of the house tomorrow, too... Glad you had a nice and quiet New Year's eve.

01-01-17, 18:59
We watched a film with Tom hanks in it called captain Phillips and it was quite intense so as daft as it sounds I think that put me on edge a bit and I had awful ear ache and sore eye so spent most of it laying on a hot water bottle so in the back of my mind health worries kept popping up. I just wish I could relax I've had no pain today but felt dizzy but that could be me feeling super sensitive to everything, I don't know I figure I've gotta hit a low before I can start building myself up again. I'm back at work in the morning so I'll see how that goes.

I don't think it helped last night that my partner said he would really love it if I sunk my teeth into something in 2017. As much as I can understand what he means (I don't really have any hobbies) I work between 7am and 6pm 5 days a week, have a 5 year old, a home to keep clean and tidy and parents I try and help as much as possible I don't have time for a hobby or anything like that.

What's you plans for tomorrow?

01-01-17, 19:38
The eyes, ears, nose, and throat are all connected, so if your ear is infected, it will most likely affect your eye(s) or nose, too. Have you tried asking your doctor about ear/eye drops?

Yeah, films that are quite intense can affect you, for sure. I can see what you mean about hobbies. Maybe it doesn't have to be something time-consuming? Have you asked your husband what he meant by that question?

I'm going on a short walk tomorrow, but have no other plans. Hopefully, I'll be well enough to see a friend on Tuesday. Walking over to her place is going to be a challenge, but we'll see what happens...

01-01-17, 20:15
No I may have to ask for some of it doesn't start to get better in a week or so. I've been offered a promotion at work but I don't want to take it I know he wants me to he thinks it will be good for me but in all honestly I don't want the hassle it wouldn't make much of a difference money wise and means of have to work until 8pm and weekends. I'm happy doing what I'm now doing.

I hope your walk goes well tomorrow I love taking my dog for a long walk when I'm feeling anxious it helps clear my mind and I always feel good after

02-01-17, 15:43
I think it's probably a good decision that you're turning down the promotion if you feel like it might bring you more stress and longer hours. I think you most likely have got some kind of an eye or ear infection that can be treated easily. :)
My walk was brief and I was anxious this morning, but I managed to do it somehow. You're lucky that going out for a week makes you feel good, as for me, that's the definition of 'nightmare'. lol

02-01-17, 18:38
Feel positive that you did it. Even though you felt anxious you made it you showed anxiety who was boss this morning ��. Does where you walk make a difference? Would you rather walk in town? A nature reserve? Or A village walk? I'm lucky that we have a beautiful nature reserve near where I live so I walk the dog there when I can and everyone is who stops is so friendly you can't help but smile and say hello

02-01-17, 20:49
Haha aw thank you! :) I'm going out tomorrow, too, I've decided. I need to make sure I'm able to go back to work once the holidays have ended (I work in education). Yes, where I walk definitely makes a difference. I have many bad memories of the town centre and I'd prefer to walk in the forest (which I can access by car as it's far for me to reach it by foot) or alongside a beach.
It's great that you live near a nature reserve! Do you go there often?

03-01-17, 20:46
How did you get on today? I don't walk at the nature reserve as much as I'd like, before I started work full time I went every day without fail even if it was pouring with rain. I'm gonna try and go more this year maybe make it my New Years resolution. When are you back at work?

03-01-17, 20:56
I actually had a good day today, thank you. :) How about you? I didn't go out, though, as the weather outside was terrible. I'm going out tomorrow, and I've made arrangements for Thursday as well. I try and force myself to go out as much as I can.

I think going to the nature reserve is a brilliant New Year's resolution. Perhaps you can go on the weekends or on your days off?
I'm back at work on the 16th...

04-01-17, 20:31
How are you getting on? I've had a good at today almost feel like my normal self again. How have your walks been? I'm gonna try and go at the weekend I can't wait for the summer at least then there will still be a few hours after work to go out

04-01-17, 21:18
I'm doing much better today, thank you. In fact, I'm almost well. I took a very short walk this morning which made me anxious, but hopefully I'll get back on track before it's time to return to work. I'm very pleased to hear that you almost feel like your normal self. :) I think going on a walk to the nature reserve at the weekend is a great idea.

05-01-17, 07:35
I'm glad your feeling better too it's amazing what a bit of fresh air can do. I can't wait for it to get a little bit warmer I like it when it's sunny out but still cool and fresh April/may time I don't like it too hot. I hope your plans for today go well and you keep kicking anxietys bum!!

05-01-17, 17:26
Haha I wish I was kicking the anxiety's bum! It's more like the other way around. :blush: I've got some work to do for the next couple of days, and I'm quite pleased as it will keep me occupied. I'll still make sure to go out, even if it is to the nearby shop.

06-01-17, 19:43
Hope your keeping well ana and your walks are going ok. I'm planning on going to the nature reserve tomorrow and so looking forward to it