View Full Version : Urine problems? or normal?

26-12-16, 21:12
As I got an anxiety disorder I'm probably just overthinking this but I thought id make this post anyway as posting here helps me. Also not gonna google it as it will probably say I got cancer or something lol.

My urine is foamy a lot, and sometimes greeny? is this normal? or should I just be drinking more?

27-12-16, 00:38
Mine foams like a bubble bath. I showed my wife so she got a glass of water and thumped it into the toilet from my standing to pee height. It bubbled alot too, not as much as my peers, by I got her point.

27-12-16, 00:42
Probably nothing to worry about but get it checked out by your doctor by handing in a urine sample :)

27-12-16, 18:14
Go to the doctor and do a urine sample, they'll tell you straight away what's up. I've been battling a uti for a few months now. Antibiotics after antibiotics. I'm suffering side affects from them now but I'm back to the doctors tomorrow. Bloods were done, normal, diabetes, none. So I think I've gotten myself very anxious overt it. Best advice, just see it GP.

27-12-16, 18:38
Yeah I expect it's fine but it's just I worry a lot about everything with this disorder. Better safe than sorry though so I'll see my gp tomorrow! Thanks for the replys guys