View Full Version : Feeling frightened - is this normal?

Flying Stars
26-12-16, 21:32
Hi all

So I'm just looking for a bit of advice. I work an incredibly hard job (even working Xmas right now) and suffered with health anxiety a few years ago but luckily that subsided. I've been great until getting into a relationship earlier this year. At first it was great, then he changed and suddenly it felt like he wanted nothing to do with me anymore. Fast forward a bit and here we are nearly a year down the line still in an 'on/off phase' - with neither being able to properly communicate and no one saying it's over. He'll ask me out again and then it'll start up and leave me so confused. My family aren't supportive of my anxiety. They don't get it. So I have little support. I went through a lot in teenage years due to bereavement so this is my first relationship - hence I don't know if this is normal or not!! It's constantly on my mind and I can't stop running over what I would like to say to him in my head but instead I can't communicate with him because of how anxious I am :( - and the fact that I work with him. Then there's the negative self talk in my head too, that has left me feeling weak. It's such a difficult situation and I've got no females to talk to about it. Some people just say I'm overthinking (and he's said that before). My therapist said it's normal to be this way, especially with what I had happen in the past and the fact that nothing like this happened during my teen years. I know that feelings are still there on both sides but it's just frightened me to death how the situation has left me like this. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you x

I'm not on any anxiety meds and never have been.