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View Full Version : Throat tightness and "sucking inwards"

27-12-16, 10:01
Hi everyone!

Been going crazy the last year. Ever since march I've been having a tight throat sensation. Don't know at all whats causing it, although it did appear whilst I was trying to taper down on my ADs.

If it was only throat tension, I could live with it, knowing it's probably anxiety, however I sometimes get this weird "sucking" feeling like my throat closes up for a split second when I breathe in. It Always starts with a tight feeling and then it's like my throat is pulled together from the vacuum, but it always releases after half a second. Happens only when I breathe from my nose, very rarely when my mouth is open.
I never get it when I'm jogging, or eating, only when I'm in a "still" state.
Went to the GP and they couldn't find anything wrong, but referred me to an ENT for my own "piece of mind". Two weeks Before (after waiting for 3 months) I started to feel better, with almost no symptoms at all, so I rather foolishly cancelled the appointment. Naturally, after Another 2 weeks the symptoms came back, slightly stronger...
Also, my chest and upper back fell tense but not painful.

Anybody else ever experience this "sucking throat" feeling?

I'm currently in CBT, and I shouldn't really be writing a question here as it's basically a type of "reassurance" seeking, but I can't help it! It's driving me crazy!!:wacko:


28-12-16, 00:36
I'm having the same sort of issues! I noticed that if I can distract myself enough or take a Xanax, it seems to abate. Being stressed makes it worse.

Get you get a trial of Xanax to see if it helps the symptoms?

28-12-16, 10:13
Thanks for your reply Coastgirl!

Sorry to here that you also are experiencing these symptoms, but at the same time, it's a relief that I'm not alone! :bighug1:
This weird feeling that my throat sucks in on itself, even though I know I certainly shouldn't be googling it, I haven't been able to find any similar symptoms on the net.
I guess it comes close to "Laryngospasms" but they usually last for more than a split second as in my case.
My symptoms get a lot better after I have a meal, for about 10 minutes or so, then they return.
Your right, distraction, distration, distration is the key. I've managed to have a couple of good days lately were I haven't been bothered by this crap so much, however, it's as if the anxiety "punishes" me for temporarly "escaping" as sometimes the days after the good days can be really bad...

Haven't tried Xanax, guess I'm at bit too much of a coward... afraid I'll get addicted or something.