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View Full Version : This is a weird one...adrenaline?

27-12-16, 12:16
I posted about this year's ago because it was freaking me out. I got over it but I'm worried again.
This isn't an illness, it's more like a thing I can do. I seem to be able to voluntarily release adrenaline into my body. I think it's adrenaline because my heart rate goes up a bit and my pupils go wider. I discovered this probably 10 years ago, and just thought oh, that's interesting. But as my HA has increased its got me thinking. I'm so worried that by doing 'it' I might damage my heart or my brain. I have those cherry spot things on my body, so I've decided that it's the adrenaline that's causing it. My legs have been a bit twitchy the last few days, and again I've decided that's what's causing it. I know it sounds so weird, and I know people will just say 'well don't do it ', but it's one of those urge things, where the more you think about it the harder it becomes not to.
I went to my doctors about it a few years ago, she put a little monitor on my finger and noticed my HR did increase very slightly. She said well it won't harm you either way, so don't concern yourself with it type thing. I told my psychologist about it at the time and she said the same thing and I just accepted it. But now I'm back to 'doing' it and convincing myself I'm causing all sorts of damage to my body. I don't even know what it is!
Can anyone help? X

27-12-16, 14:35
Out of interest, how do you do it voluntarily?

Sounds like a reaction to adrenaline to me.

27-12-16, 15:10
I have no idea, I just can. Don't have to think about anything, it's just like an electricy feeling that I can sort of channel. I don't like it though! Apparently body builders and stuff can do it before they train.. But I'm not a bodybuilder :/

27-12-16, 15:18
It's just a habit that you've taught your brain. Habits can be un-learnt too with a little effort.
I doubt that it can be doing you any harm, apart from the fact that it's causng you to feel anxious about it.
Just like any other anxiety symptoms, the more we focus on them, the worse they seem.

27-12-16, 15:28
Yeah definitely beckybecks, I haven't thought of it for years but now I'm really focused on it it's making me anxious. I think it might be because I haven't been training for a few months either? I wonder if my body needs that exercise to sort of rid itself of excess adrenaline from all my anxiety! That's kind of what it feels like, like it's floating around my body and needs to be dispelled. I realise I sound like a crazy person. It's so hard to explain, my friends just look at me like ehh? Haha x

27-12-16, 16:08
Yes. Exercise is really helpful in releasing all that bottled up adrenaline.

Think of it this way. What is adrenaline actually for? Fight or flight. If we don't use it what happens to it?

I get myself really busy whether it's walking, exercise, housework, anything physical. And then I visualize all that adrenaline being used up. It works!

27-12-16, 16:34
Thanks beckybecks that's helped a lot :)
I'm going back to the gym on the first of Jan! Hoping all of this will subside when things get back to normal. Long christmas holidays with little to do aren't so good for my anxiety.