View Full Version : submitted my doctoral thesis!

27-12-16, 17:39
This isn't so much of an anxiety sucess story, rather a story about success you can have while experiencing anxiety. Just before xmas I submitted my PhD thesis, around a third of the 90k words were written while I was experiencing v severe anxiety and panic attacks.

I'm really proud of myself for not giving up once the panic attacks started and I think it proves that we can achieve things even when we feel rubbish. Anxiety can't steal your dreams and ambitions from you! x

27-12-16, 19:58
That's a magnificent achievement, Lissa because concentration is so depleted with anxiety and to compile such a detailed piece of work against all odds is proof of your strength and determination to succeed.

Let us know when your graduation ceremony will be?! Really well done!!

28-12-16, 15:50
Ah, thanks Pulisa! Still have the viva examination to go which is a bit scary but the hardest part is done, phew. I was scared of what my supervisors would think of the thesis because of the reasons you mentioned - my concentration was shot - and I thought it was awful. But they really liked it ��.

I think lots of us with anxiety end up having low confidence and thinking we can't do certain things when its just the anxiety making you feel that way.

Thanks for your reply xxx

28-12-16, 20:54
Hopefully the Viva will just be a formality-as you say, the main bulk of the PhD is done and dusted and obviously very well received! You have every reason to be extremely proud of yourself!