View Full Version : Fear of flying

27-12-16, 20:01
So for Christmas I've been traveling and I have a terrible fear of flying. My family was in New York and instead of flying to New York I decided to take the train. I ended up sitting in that train for 19 straight hours and I told myself I won't be doing that again. So I scheduled a flight tomorrow leaving at 10:55 AM and arriving at 1:45 PM. It's not a long route but I've always been afraid of something going wrong on a plane and there's nothing I can do because I'm not in control like I am in a car. What sparked this fear was 9/11 when I was 7 years old and I've always been uneasy about air travel since. I've always had my family with me when I fly but this time around I'm flying alone. I'm extremely nervous and anxious about tomorrow and I'm wondering if anyone can reassure me.

27-12-16, 20:57
Do you have any anxiety meds you could take if you panic? I would bring earbuds and have some relaxing music/sounds on my phone in case you get nervous. Bring some reading materials to distract you. Good luck!

27-12-16, 22:00
I have terrible flight anxiety and I took a free fear of flying course online. Look it up, or google it (something good to google). It helped so much, and now when I fly, I have a water bottle and watch it for movement or ripples in the water. You may feel heavy turbulence but when you look at the water, it is barely moving. This is because you have a heightened sense of anxiousness. I too use ear buds, and play candy crush or listen to music during take off...oh and snacks, eat your favorite candy or snack!
Best of luck, I know it sucks but you will be fine ;)

28-12-16, 00:20
I`ve worked in aviation 30 years next year and although i could tell you very logically how safe it all is, I`m afraid I`m a nervous flier myself

But.....please be assured I am a bad passenger in a car, on the back of a motorbike or anything where I`m not in control

i realise your flight is imminent and i also remember 9/11 which frightened everyone, but please try to stack up all the facts against the fear. I`ve been on a flight years ago when a dark skinned man was mumbling away and I`m sorry to say my fears and prejudice decided he was 100% going to be a terrorist - he was actually a very frightened person who was scared of flying and was saying prayers for a safe journey in his own language.

I hope your flight goes well. I can tell you 100% that even with a complete engine failure most modern aircraft can glide due to their aerodynamic wing design, they give so much lift you can carry out a dead stick landing, which basically means gliding to a rather bumpy landing.

I will be sending you positive thoughts because I truly don`t like flying myself, but its for no good reason I promise